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Mods: why is my request removed each time?

HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #1
I've twice yesterday posted a request for a few short sentences for a letter to be translated for a letter. Each time the thread (i.e. my message) has been removed. That is, I cannot find it, either where I left it, or in My Threads. I've checked my message box in case there is a message saying why these have been removed, but no message. I am completely baffled, since there was nothing illegal, pornographic or objectionable in my message.

Can anyone help please?

14 Aug 2008 /  #2
It is here polishforums.com/random_chat_thread_deleted_monthly-40_2640 1_4.html guess you will have to pm a mod to fine out why it was put in random chat.
sausage  19 | 775  
14 Aug 2008 /  #3

Too many translation requests
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Aug 2008 /  #4
Something with forum rules probably...
14 Aug 2008 /  #5
Too many translation requests

I think by what she is saying that the same one was deleted, so I don't think it's too many.......at least that's what I understand.

Still I guess one of our lovely mods will explain to her soon :)
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #6
I only made one request for a couple of sentences which I need to email to my friend. I've never asked for an email to be translated before! I see so many people asking for translations, I thought it was OK. So, I will go away and ask elsewhere then.
sausage  19 | 775  
14 Aug 2008 /  #7
one request for a couple of sentences

Before that there were quite a few song lyric translation requests...
You must remember that the mods are in the US. They came online and probably saw all your requests at once. They are just trying to keep the forum balanced...
14 Aug 2008 /  #8
You must remember that the mods are in the US.

What's that got to do with anything mate?
And your wrong by the way as PolskaDoll is from the UK and Zgubiony is in the US :)
sausage  19 | 775  
14 Aug 2008 /  #9
What's that got to do with anything mate?

Ok, they may not be both in the US, but all I was saying is that they aren't online all the time. They go online see a "load" of translation requests and bin some of them...

Not exactly a case for Mulder and Scully!
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
14 Aug 2008 /  #10
Can anyone help please?

Your message is in random chat, if you follow the link that ukpolska gave you, you will find your request and also a link to the reason why your post was removed.

They go online see a "load" of translation requests and bin some of them.

Only the ones which don't follow the rules. ;)
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #11
I did follow the link, I didn't see any reason. Just a long list of nonsensical, random, irrelevant postings which are just pointless chit-chat. It's hard to see my serious query twice deleted when all that sort of thing is deemed perfectly allowable. Hmmm...

I have never before asked for the text of a letter to be translated. Never. So I feel hard done by. I'll make my own arrangements now. It put me off the forum a bit when my on-topic posting asking for help is just thrown out and no private message sent to say why.

And most particularly because there are dozens of extremely long threads in which people are griping about their personal love relationships which have absolutely nothing to do with Poland, its language or its culture.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
14 Aug 2008 /  #12
It's hard to see my serious query twice deleted when all that sort of thing is deemed perfectly allowable. Hmmm...

Well, it wasn't deleted, that's how you can still view it in random chat. If you followed my link in the post you will have come across the rules but in case you missed the one I was referring to, I'll link it below.


OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #13
Thanks Doll.

As it was a request for translation and not Random Chat, why was it moved to Random Chat?

I just think I am totally confused.

If someone had PM'd me to say what I had done "wrong" it would have saved all this trouble.
sausage  19 | 775  
14 Aug 2008 /  #14
why was it moved to Random Chat

Random chat is where all the postings that don't adhere to the rules are moved to. Send your friends the message in English and a link to this website. Then they can get it translated!
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
14 Aug 2008 /  #15
why was it moved to Random Chat?

Most simply because the title was random. As the rules state, the title must reflect the content of the post. If you are posting in Translations then we already know you want a translation.

Read these titles. You'll see that at least part of the text for translation is in the titles.

If someone had PM'd me to say what I had done "wrong" it would have saved all this trouble.

It's a busy site and not possible to PM everyone as to why this or that was moved.
benszymanski  8 | 465  
14 Aug 2008 /  #16
It's a busy site and not possible to PM everyone as to why this or that was moved.

Not manually, that's fair enough. But I presume you have a tool to move these threads, in which case I am going to guess that it's just a little bit of PHP code needed so that the author of a thread is automatically notified if a thread is moved/deleted/whatever.

But whether someone has the time/coding know-how/effort to do that is a different matter :-)
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #17
Send your friends the message in English and a link to this website. Then they can get it translated!

Descending into farce.
14 Aug 2008 /  #18
if you want your texts translated, you can PM them to me.
14 Aug 2008 /  #19
Miranda you are an angel I was just about to suggest krysia, but then you popped up :)
14 Aug 2008 /  #20
I am not an angel but happen to have some time on my hands:)
Hueg  - | 319  
14 Aug 2008 /  #21
Helena the first thing you have to realise there are no rules. It is best to chant that to yourself over and over as you post. That's rule 1 obviously.

Expect it to be moved and or deleted and delight in your victories when after 24 hours they still are where you left them. That's the Car Key Rule. :)

Take this paradox:

the title must reflect the content of the post

Aha! That sounds fairly straight forward. Now we're getting somewhere. Test to destruction, the old engineering motto.
So if I want a translation then let's see. What should I write?

1st draft: Translation Please For A Letter To A Polish Friend?

Well it covers what I want and reflects the content of my post. Sounds good.

But we can do better. Can't we? :)

posting in Translations then we already know you want a translation.

According to that we can.

2nd draft: Well it's still a letter, so that has to stay. It's still being addresed to a friend, so that's got to stay. They're still Polish unless they've changed nationality in the time it's taken me to come up with this title which I admit could be a possibility.

No i'm staying positive.
Ok so far so good.
But! I'm in the translation forum, so they know that I must want a translation. To Assume makes an ass out of you and me (no offence osiol) but in this case we're safe, we're only following orders if anyone asks. :)

Letter for a Polish Friend please?

Hmm that's going to draw smart alec comments. I can see the replies now. Which letter would he/she like, how about £ etc?

3rd draft: Letter For A Friend please?

Yes that's better. It's a letter, it's to a friend and we know it's to a Pole and a translation. But there is still something wrong. I can sense a mod would be all over this. It sounds like we're heading into the Niger Delta.

What can we do? I'll come at it from a different angle (matron).

4th Draft: Going On A Boat Excursion

Well it reflects the content alright, but isn't that false advertising? All these people opening the thread to wish me luck and to remind me politely to take my life jacket (they're a considerate bunch) will feel short changed when they realise I want a translation. A mod might even move it for being misleading.

Hang on!

5th draft: This one is the winner, why didn't I think of it before.

How Do I Say: Does your mother visit you often? If she has plans to visit you in September, it would be wonderful if she could come when I am there. I'd be so delighted to meet her again. In fact, we could all go on a boat excursion for a day, or a half day: us three, or take the children and your husband too?

Of course. :)

A good subject/topic title should be unique and precisely reflect the content of the message. It should not contain unnecessary words, special characters, or fluff. A good title should be straightforward, short, and to the point; the reader should be able to determine what the topic is about by reading a topic title only.

Hmm so, I've just done all that for nothing then? Ok if I just write Translation Please For A Letter To A Polish Friend? will that do?

No? Oh now i'm confused. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Read these titles.

Yes, there is an idea. I'll do that. Thanks.

5 translations in a hurry: I like you but I'm shy

wow Speed Translating. I can't even speak Polish that well. It's ok to be shy though by the way. I'm sure you're lovely, but can we concentrate on the job in hand i'm on the clock here?

Help translating instructions

You too?

postcard translation please

Yep, that sounds a lot like:

Translation please for a letter to a Polish friend?

That reminds me do the Poles have a word for Matryoshka? :)
14 Aug 2008 /  #22
It is best to chant that to yourself over and over as you post.

Can you suggest a suitable mantra then ?

Hueg  - | 319  
14 Aug 2008 /  #23
Can you suggest a suitable mantra then

Don't worry about the war. It's all over but the shooting. Field Marshal Haig I think and anyway it was good advice. :)
bohobabe  - | 39  
14 Aug 2008 /  #24
The mods should delete some of the racist ones
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #25
I'd like to give a really big thank you to Hueg.

You my darling have said everything I wanted to say but I didn't want it to look like I was ranting.

Thanks sweetie for sticking up for me.

What they did to me really was unfair, especially considering, as bohobabe says, there are some really nauseatingly racist threads, plus an awful lot of totally irrelevant threads trying to mend the relationships of people we have never met!

My email was at least on-topic, genuine and needed.

Thanks Miranda I will PM my couple of sentences. I cannot believe that asking this simple question has caused so much trouble and so many people getting involved with arguing about it.

I just want to ask my old pal a question, hoping to see her dear old Polish mother again!

So shoot me!
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
14 Aug 2008 /  #26
Who is arguing? You asked why your posts were shifted and you were given an answer.
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #27
Me, Hueg, Benszymanski, UKpolska ...

I can't believe we've got a thread of 26 messages instead of my thread which would have been one message asking and one message replying.

Someone's translated it now. I won't be asking again!
14 Aug 2008 /  #28
Don't worry about the war.

That's good to know :) I expect we know which war we are all talking about then ?

Field Marshal Haig I think

That's what I thought as well !

it was good advice. :)

It always is at the time !

What they did to me really was unfair

I think the Mods on PF do an excellent job, we're lucky to have them :)

Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
14 Aug 2008 /  #29
I cannot find it, either where I left it, or in My Threads.

I'm sure "My threads" shows the "Random Chat Thread."

I've checked my message box in case there is a message saying why these have been removed, but no message.

OK, but the question is if you have read the TOS and rules page as it was requested by PM and in the post form area before posting your first message..?

I am completely baffled, since there was nothing illegal, pornographic or objectionable in my message.

A message doesn't have to be "illegal, pornographic or objectionable" to qualify for deletion or move to the Random Chat thread.

I did follow the link, I didn't see any reason. Just a long list of nonsensical, random, irrelevant postings which are just pointless chit-chat.

It so happens that this long list has actually been gathered from all other "legitimate" threads (these random messages have to be manually moved by moderators; otherwise many threads would be a long list of "nonsensical, random, irrelevant postings" with meaningless and random thread titles).

What they did to me really was unfair, especially considering, as bohobabe says, there are some really nauseatingly racist threads, plus an awful lot of totally irrelevant threads trying to mend the relationships of people we have never met!

I believe those who post in the Relationship section may claim the same about translation messages.

With hundreds of posts a day it's not possible to address each individual member, so if the message or thread landed in the Random Chat, it means there was something wrong with that and reading the rules will usually help to find the reason.

OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
15 Aug 2008 /  #30
It's terribly confusing for a newbie like me.

I believe those who post in the Relationship section may claim the same about translation messages.

I thought this was a Polish Forum not a Whinge About Your Partner Forum LOL

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