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Why was my last post deleted and censored?

Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #1
Why was my post providing multiple links to substantiate my argument on British Anti-Americianism deleted, and the thread closed ("Poles make good Prostitutes, says BBC DJ")? Another poster made outright insults and personal slurs against me, and yet I am deleted and censored due to my ability to marshall substantiated points by major media sources in the defense of my argument.

Furthermore, the censorship is done in stealth, so that we can never get a full image of what is going on. Is blatant censorship of substantiated arguments about British anti-Americanism blocked here, but virulent racism and neo-nazi posturing is not?

Thanks in advance.
Vincent  8 | 796  
19 Feb 2009 /  #2
Calicoe, have you looked carefully at the Forum Rules and Code of Conduct to see if there is a clue there, to why your posts may have been removed?
lukimp80  1 | 74  
19 Feb 2009 /  #3
Athough I disagree with her views, I have never seen where she wrote anything that were derogatory to anybody. She is a very intelligent girl, and handles her dissents very diplomatically. NO, there is no way that anyone can convince me that her post should have been deleted.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Feb 2009 /  #4
polishforums.com/random_chat_thread_deleted_monthly-47_3268 0_23.html#msg628652

polishforums.com/random_chat_thread_deleted_monthly-47_3268 0_23.html#msg628641

Furthermore, the censorship is done in stealth, so that we can never get a full image of what is going on. Is blatant censorship of substantiated arguments about British anti-Americanism blocked here, but virulent racism and neo-nazi posturing is not?

Technically it's a Polish forum and your British/American chatter was going on in a thread about a DJ who said something about Poles. The last two posts from that thread were removed to random chat (not deleted - please check your own profile and your latest posting list) where you can continue that line of conversation or indeed start a thread in the off-topic lounge.

Posts are rarely deleted here. That's a fact members should acknowledge. Random Chat exists for a reason.

that her post should have been deleted.

They were NOT deleted.
OP Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #5
Technically it's a Polish forum and your British/American chatter was going on in a thread about a DJ who said something about Poles. The last two posts from that thread were removed to random chat

OMG - they were removed to a random chat thread. I would have no way of knowing this without being informed, short of telepathy.

I can appreciate your response and explanation about the title of the thread and British/American chatter - vaguely - except that you selectively moved MY post and not his. That is outright bias and diminishes every attempted defense here otherwise.

*edit: It is not outright censorship, but it is definitely entering into a very muted form. I will start a thread with an appropriate title next time.

Again, thank you for the explanation.
pawian  223 | 27095  
19 Feb 2009 /  #6
Is the whole brawl about this? :

Forum rules

Rule No 12

12. If a post contains a link to an outside source (especially an article), it is recommended that in addition to this link the poster quotes one or two sentences from the article.
OP Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #7
I think partly. Thanks Pawian.

I will be gone for a few days. But I hope to start some new and productive threads when I get back. Good night all, and to all a good night.
pawian  223 | 27095  
19 Feb 2009 /  #8
I think partly.

I am not sure about it. In the rule it says recommended. It doesn`t mean obligatory.

I will be gone for a few days. But I hope to start some new and productive threads when I get back. Good night all, and to all a good night.

Good night and don`t let little misfortunes put you off.
OP Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #9
Athough I disagree with her views, I have never seen where she wrote anything that were derogatory to anybody. She is a very intelligent girl, and handles her dissents very diplomatically. NO, there is no way that anyone can convince me that her post should have been deleted.

Thank you lukimp80, especially since we have disagreed in the past. That was very generous of you. I look forward to more productive discussions with you in the future, even if we disagree.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Feb 2009 /  #10
they were removed to a random chat thread. I would have no way of knowing this without being informed, short of telepathy.

As I said, if you checked your own profile and looked at your latest replies you would see random chat there and if you'd clicked on it at that time it would have taken you to that post.

In the rule it says recommended. It doesn`t mean obligatory.

Correct. It's just nicer to have a short quote from the article in order to know the content but posts aren't moved for not having a quote.
OP Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #11
As I said, if you checked your own profile and looked at your latest replies you would see random chat there and if you'd clicked on it at that time it would have taken you to that post.

I didn't know previously. Now I know.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Feb 2009 /  #12

that's what is meant though. :D see below..

Correct. It's just nicer to have a short quote from the article in order to know the content but posts aren't moved for not having a quote.

BS. you tweak it every time if it's not followed as "recommended".
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Feb 2009 /  #13
BS. you tweak it every time if it's not followed as "recommended".

Trying to cause some bother plk123?
OP Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #14
As long as we're on the topic of technicalities, what does the little man or profile head mean next to people's status? Is it number of posts or something?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Feb 2009 /  #15
It means that person has pictures in their profiles. :)
OP Calicoe  2 | 133  
19 Feb 2009 /  #16
Oh, OK thanks. That makes sense, I guess. I am definitely not a techie, lol.

Good night, and thanks again. No hard feelings.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Feb 2009 /  #17
No hard feelings at all. :)

Good night. :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Feb 2009 /  #18
Trying to cause some bother plk123?

you can call it what you wish but in fact i am expressing my opinion on this subject as it's a constant pita for everyone, including me. why do you think you get these type of threads constantly? there is a reason and you or the admin or someone ought to get a clue.. last year, when the forums were basically unmoderated, this place was the best.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Feb 2009 /  #19
last year, when the forums were basically unmoderated,

I don't understand that bit, it's been moderated since it opened in 05 and certainly last year it was moderated by myself, Admin and a few others.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Feb 2009 /  #20
maybe earlier in the year... in between the time zgub and others moved on and the time where you two seriously picked up the pace. it may have been 2-3 months.. maybe more... it was almost unnoticable or at least it wasn't bothersome as it sometimes tends to be.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Feb 2009 /  #21
There may have been a relaxation in the level of moderating due to Zgubi's disappearance.

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