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Forum Ideas - Listing - Who is online/Who is reading this thread

Firestorm  6 | 399  
21 Aug 2007 /  #1
Hi Guys.
I Just wondered if anyone else had any ideas to improve things..

I was chatting with Tornado.
And came up with the Idea of Listing..

Ie having a list of people currently in a particular thread.
Tornado seemed to think it was a great idea..
I Wonder what everyone else thinks..
And if this is possible.

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #2
as he said i think its a good idea, that of course if it is possible as your only in the topic until you have finished posting and then you move to others, but i think its a good idea
stepheng  - | 49  
21 Aug 2007 /  #3
"users browsing this forum"

Thats a good idea, seen that one on other forums. At least then you know who is lurking.
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Aug 2007 /  #4
What about people lurking in threads, either not getting involved in the discussion
or just waiting to pounce into the chat, taking everyone by complete suprise?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #5
I don't know that topic listings are a good idea (what's the point?) but I have been on a few other forums recently and they seem to list members who are online at the moment and logged in. That might be an idea. Not essential of course
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #6
logged in. That might be an idea.

yeah then at least we know who is online, i think this is an adapted idea of the original one but will work better. good idea
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Aug 2007 /  #7
I imagine it would be more difficult than it's worth setting something like this up.
But then, I don't understand computers and stuff.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #8
Well I don't know of any forums who tell you who is viewing each topic (although they might say 2 viewing or something like that) but some of them do say at the bottom how many members there are (and who they are), how many staff (and who they are) and how many guests.

Like I said - not essential though.

Actually - sometimes I like that people don't know I am here...
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #9
sounds like something is possible ot organise, we already have a head count but it would be nice to put names to the numbers, it is possible, its done on other forums
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Aug 2007 /  #10
I don't see the need for change, but if it happens I'll not object.

Well I don't know of any forums who tell you who is viewing each topic

I belong to another forum where you can track people. I never have a need to use such functions..

For people who are lurking. Why expose them ?

For people who are posting. Press refresh a bit more often.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
21 Aug 2007 /  #11
How would being able to vew who's lurking be an improvement to the forum?

What are some positive things that can come out of it?

Do you just harass a person until they answer?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #12
I never have a need to use such functions..

Eek! A forum where you can Track People! That's like stalking! What forum is that? I've just joined a couple of new Polish ones!

For people who are lurking. Why expose them ?

Exactly! I like a good lurk! Seriously though, I like observing a bit.

I won't object if Admin changes things...I'll just leave...*sniff*..................just kidding ;)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #13
How would being able to vew who's lurking be an improvement to the forum?

well firstly so we can tell who is online so we don't waste time posting new topics like 'PD where are you' or filling other topics with 'where are you' posts. Or even sending Pm's to that individual.

What are some positive things that can come out of it?

there is no spam or posts that are no use to the PF site, gives you liberals a little less to delete or remove :)

Do you just harass a person until they answer?

isn't that facility available already??? PM's i mean i know that a number of girls have had repeat posts from numerous people, maybe it would help if you had the balls to delete them or ban them for repeat spamming. So then the ideas that we come up with can be used for their intended purpose :)
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
21 Aug 2007 /  #14
At least then you know who is lurking.

OK, but how would it improve the quality of discussions? :)

I have been on a few other forums recently and they seem to list members who are online at the moment and logged in.

Some developers also initially thought it would be a good idea. But in the end they had to develop the "anti" feature that is called "Hide my online status." From what I know this anti feature is even more popular than the original feature ;).

I think most users won't feel comfortable knowing someone else may be "watching" them. The Internet become so great because it is in a way anonymous most of the times.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Aug 2007 /  #15
Eek! That's like stalking! What forum is that?

It's a soap forum. They have a list of features as long as your arm. They are thinking of adding some sort of my-space feature [another one I won't use]

I think things are just fine as they are here on PF.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
21 Aug 2007 /  #16
well firstly so we can tell who is online so we don't waste time posting new topics like 'PD where are you' or filling other topics with 'where are you' posts.

I think the PM feature is ideal for calling people you want to chat with (you can even check if the person read/deleted the message from there).

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #17
OK, but how would it improve the quality of discussions? :)

its not directly to do with the discussion, however it does improve the overall quality of the forum if you can tell where your regular friends are.

I think most users won't feel comfortable knowing someone else may be "watching" them. The Internet become so great because it is in a way anonymous most of the times.

its called paranoia and people who are scared just because somebody 'online' knows their there needs their head looked at don't you think???
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #18
I think things are just fine as they are here on PF.

Me too! I don't like the idea of tracking people. That's not acceptable.

I think most users won't feel comfortable knowing someone else may be "watching" them. The Internet become so great because it is in a way anonymous most of the times.

Yes, I like anonymous...I like that I can watch you all and you don't know it... (well you know it Admin since you are The All Seeing Eye!).

I like the element of SURPRISE! :) ahahaha!
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
21 Aug 2007 /  #19
I think things are just fine as they are here on PF.

I agree. You need to use the checker...if you find sth you feeel the need to comment on, it's right there. If the other person isn't on, then you'll have to wait.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #20
I think the PM feature is ideal for calling people you want to chat with (you can even check if the person read/deleted the message from there).

thanks for the advice :)

i was wondering if you were going to ignore me or not.

Me too! I don't like the idea of tracking people. That's not acceptable.

what is everybody scared of?? really i'm not taking the mick i mean really

I like that I can watch you all and you don't know it.

its just an online forum :)

lol, you can surprise me i don't mind
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
21 Aug 2007 /  #21
its not directly to do with the discussion, however it does improve the overall quality of the forum if you can tell where your regular friends are.

OK, but are you sure 100% of your friends would really want you to know if they are online or not? What if they have a bad day or something and don't want to be bothered? :)

I'm positive this feature alone would not be possible to be accepted by all members without the "hide my online status" feature --- but then the whole feature would become useless since in the end you wouldn't really know who's really online or not...

PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #22

Barry White impression??? Just kidding :)

then you'll have to wait.

Patience is a virtue...
OP Firestorm  6 | 399  
21 Aug 2007 /  #23
The idea wasnt inended as a way to spy on peoples activities.
But a way to find Friends. Without having to hunt through the threads..

Or hammering them with Pm's.
The idea came about bc we were curious where the other chatters were.
Nothing maliscious about it..
But if a group is in one.. why be alone posting.
When you can join them.

Isnt that what the Forum is about..
Being with and meeting people.
Friendly chatter.
And helping each other where possible..??
How can you achieve this if 11 people are posting in 11 diff topics.

Anyway it was just an idea.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
21 Aug 2007 /  #24
Barry White impression??? Just kidding :)

Yeeea baby ;) I'm cookin, so I have a lot of emotion flowing :D
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #25
OK, but are you sure 100% of your friends would really want to know if they are online or not? What if they have a bad day or something and don't want to be bothered? :)

if they were that bothered why would they come online in the first place, on another note its always good to talk about a bad day or problems that you have, it lifts a weight off your shoulders.

I'm positive this feature alone would not be possible to be accepted by all members without the "hide my online status" feature --- but then the whole feature would become useless since in the end you wouldn't really know who's really online or not...

good point but i still don't know what all the paranoia is about??

Patience is a virtue..

lol, thats true PD but it would help if you knew they were there in the first place wouldn't it?? or you could be waiting when there already there :)
OP Firestorm  6 | 399  
21 Aug 2007 /  #26
It certainly wasnt meant as a criticism.
Im a great fan of the forum..

And it has a lot of great qualities..

Like i said. Just an idea.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #27
its just an online forum :)

Just an online forum...this is PF and don't you forget it! ;)))
And believe me, I have more fun watching these days...

lol, you can surprise me i don't mind

maybe that is an issue for PM... ;) (joking...)

what is everybody scared of??

Someone bugging me when I don't want to be bugged? At least if I get a PM or someone asks something of me on the forum, I can answer it when I feel like! If someone knows I am online and not answering they might continually bug me!!! See the point Windy???

Yeeea baby ;) I'm cookin, so I have a lot of emotion flowing :D

lol...what you cookin' Z?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #28
Just an online forum...this is PF and don't you forget it! ;)))
And believe me, I have more fun watching these days...

ok maybe i understated that its PF!!! :) its great

maybe that is an issue for PM... ;) (joking...)

hahaha it sounds very pm to me, lol :)

See the point Windy???

yes i see your point, well then its over to the liberals to sort them out and ban them :) all you have to do is report them i guess
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Aug 2007 /  #29
yes i see your point, well then its over to the liberals to sort them out and ban them :) all you have to do is report them i guess

Why should I have to report them??? Why should they be allowed to annoy me in the first place???
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Aug 2007 /  #30
well can't they do that anyway, with the pm's??

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