I am applying for a tourist visa for my Polish partner for our holiday to Australia and they have asked for further information.
Does anybody have any experience of visa applications with the Australian immigration, how strict are they?
We only want to get a visa for a 2 week holiday, but I'm worried about booking extra flights in case they refuse. Anybody been refused, or had similar issues?
1. You will need to have a return ticket. 2. They will probably ask you to show you have enough money for your stay including a contact number and maybe place.
We already have return tickets so will add a copy to the application.
It's more a case of what evidence they look for and how strict they are. They seem to want more details of formal documents, from the tax office etc. It seems quite a lot for just a 2 week holiday.
Just standard requests I hope - I'd just like to get the application completed asap to plan the holiday!
Hi Bubba, I think that's for longer term visas like working holiday visas. When I got a working holiday visa a few years back I had to declare that I had a certain amount available - they didn't check but they can request proof.
I know really that it's just getting past the formalities, just want to be sure they're not going to turn down the application once I've made all the plans!
I took my girlfriend home to Australia for a holiday earlier this year. She was able to apply online for the tourist visa, and whilst the questionnaire was pretty thorough, she was able to get through the process without any problems. It took about 3-4 weeks to get a positive decision, and there was no need for her to send off her passport or anything, nor to provide evidence of funds in her bank account.
from immi.gov.au/visitors/tourist/676/eligibility.htm
Financial requirements You must have access to sufficient funds to cover all costs for the duration of your stay in Australia, including health insurance if required. You may be asked to provide evidence of your funds.
Examples: personal bank statements, pay slips, audited accounts, taxation records, credit card limit.
5 grand seems pretty steep. The requirement for the working hol visa a few years back was only 3,000 from memory. In the case of our application, I think they need more support as we specified "self employed". Makes sense that they would want a few supporting documents rather than take your word for it.
Does anyone have any experience of having to provide documents or evidence?
I would also think that by putting "self employed" you trigger more investigation. They may think you are more likely to want to overstay the visa if you don't have a specific job to go back to. Hence the requirement for more documents.
Yes that makes sense, anyone can say they are self employed in order to get into a country and stay. Completely understandable that they make the checks..............just frustrating! :-)
I think that's for longer term visas like working holiday visas
So its possible for Polish people to get a working holiday visa in Australia. Is it just the same requirements as a British person (i.e under 30 yrs of age, visa for a year etc).
Not sure about the working holiday visa. The one I'm applying for is the tourist visa, you can't work with this visa but I think you can study for a short period.
Just an update on this, Polish passport holders can now apply for an Australian tourist visa online. The visa is available for up to 3 months. If you need more information, or you need any other visa for Australia, feel free to contact me.
We are Australian and New Zealand visa specialists and we are happy to provide a free visa assessment of your best visa options.