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Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States?

BBman  - | 343  
18 Nov 2011 /  #31
I for one am very glad that Britain is now multicultural and will continue to become more diverse.

So you're glad that Caucasians will become extinct because of this forced multi-kulti bullsh!t?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Nov 2011 /  #32
Pennyboy, trying to rewrite history again, let me reiterate ' Polish Military' when you are a soldier you do what you are told, or you desert and give up.

You don't have to tell me about soldiers everyone from my great grandfather to my father was in the army. We weren't talking about the individual soldiers and the decisions he took or could have taken we were talking about the nation, the governments decision to get involved in a conflict. Poland wasn't a democracy no one voted for a leader or could express their disliking for a war. Saying Poland fought against America is wrong.. because in a free Poland it would have never happened. Polish Communists had total power backed up by Soviets, what they wished happened.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
18 Nov 2011 /  #33
Members of the Polish military I mean.

May I ask if you think it important to qualify that phrase with "Communist"? I think it important to distinguish "free" Poland, as opposed to Commo Poland, don't you? It's just so that people who aren't really familiar with history understand the nuance attached to any deed or thing by the qualification that the subject is Communist, or to that effect.

I also personally think it's an insult and an affront to the memory of those that perished fighting for a free Poland to not delineate between the actions of those under Communist Poland and those living in free Poland.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
18 Nov 2011 /  #34
For many the PRL was freedom. Free education, free healthcare, freedom from the grinding poverty of previous years.

So you're glad that Caucasians will become extinct because of this forced multi-kulti bullsh!t?

Wedle  15 | 490  
18 Nov 2011 /  #35
I also personally think it's an insult and an affront to the memory of those that perished fighting for a free Poland to not delineate between the actions of those under Communist Poland and those living in free Poland.

At this point you are re-writing history, it would be better to refer to RP 1-2-3 and the Peoples Republic era, as an example I will use my father in law, who was shipped off to Russia to sit in a trench waiting for the American invasion in 1962/3, he was not a communist, he was doing his national duty to Poland and following orders. The main confusion is when you have people with good intentions, re-writing history in order not to offend. At this point we start to loose sight of the facts.

I am sure that 95% of Polish soldiers in who died in conflict during the People's republic era, died with the hope of a free Poland in their hearts, while following orders. It is very much a similar situation in conflicts around the world today, many soldiers do not believe the cause, being patriotic and professional they follow orders, sometimes doing things against their own morals.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Nov 2011 /  #36
Has anyone actually got any proof of Polish soldiers fighting in Vietnam????
There were certainly Poles in the UN mission ,never heard of any Poles actually fighting,would kinda have stuck out from the l'il Vietnamese dudes dont you think?

BTW, the 1st air cav was chock full of former SS and Nazi paratroopers....
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Nov 2011 /  #37
Has anyone actually got any proof of Polish soldiers fighting in Vietnam????

Not me. My father said when he served in the Polish People's Army during the 70s the communists were asking who wants to go to Vietnam to fight against American imperialism, everyone just laughed at them. The only thing I ever heard about was Poles building schools for children in Vietnam.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
18 Nov 2011 /  #38
So you're glad that Caucasians will become extinct because of this forced multi-kulti bullsh!t?

Why is it that you think support for multiculturalism means the extinction of Caucasians?
BBman  - | 343  
18 Nov 2011 /  #39
Just look around. Read some stats. Here's one that came out last year: whites will become the minority in the US in 2050.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
18 Nov 2011 /  #40
Well that is expected considering most people immigrating to the US nowadays are not white. Also, white people have a lower birth rate than other racial groups. That has nothing to do with multiculturalism.
Wedle  15 | 490  
18 Nov 2011 /  #41
Has anyone actually got any proof of Polish soldiers fighting in Vietnam????


BTW, the 1st air cav was chock full of former SS and Nazi paratroopers....

Got any proof?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Nov 2011 /  #42

elaborate or,you know...

Got any proof?

Plenty. But,when I say, "chock full" I mean a handfull ;)
The US Army during that particular conflict was "full" of foreign born soldiers, if I remember rightly one of the heads of security at the WTC on 9/11 who was killed was a British veteren of the Ia Drang battles...so taking that as a starter it is more likely that plenty of Poles (born in Poland) were fighting in Vietnam, just wearing OG107 and not black pyjamas .
legend  3 | 658  
18 Nov 2011 /  #43
Why is it that you think support for multiculturalism means the extinction of Caucasians?

Here let me answer.
All Whites are Caucasians.
All Caucasians are not white.

If a Person is half black they are not white.
If a Person is a Jew they are not white.
If a Person is Asian they are not white.

Multicultarism/Diversity whatever you call it is being forced on white land by Zionist Jews (google Barbara Spectr).

White birth rates are very small (under 2 kids per family).
In the mean times Africans are getting 10000 kids per family (in any case its far more than whites or east Asians).

The media (zionist controlled) is forcing mixed marriage and praising foreign immigrants just about everywhere.
You look at banking, dating website, restaurant commercials you will see a non-white person in each one.
This is very liberal.

The borders are OPEN. Idiot white countries are allowing colored people in because of 1)white guilt (i.e WWII, the Holocaust, Slavery), 2)liberals and 3)communists

I heard someone on this forum say EU criticized Poland for not allowing more immigrants (must be a ******* joke).
These are the people fighting for equal rights, open borders, government handouts, etc, etc.

These are also the same people saying whites, blacks, were all equal human beings (another propaganda lie).
Just look at Europe and then look at Africa.

ONLY white countries are being forced to allow immigrants in.
Japan and China and India are doing just fine and they dont need godamn foreign (non white)immigrants.

USA looks aweful. All the large cities have ghettos. Who lives there? Negros.

Now European lefty idiots are letting negros in. They will outbreed us and we will become the minority and extinct.


Well that is expected considering most people immigrating to the US nowadays are not white. Also, white people have a lower birth rate than other racial groups. That has nothing to do with multiculturalism.

60-65 percent is still white. (Which is a shame and a small percentage).
In this case the numbers hispanics are not white.
This percentage will lower even more... until white people are the minority. That would be a disaster.
1)More crime 2)More racism 3)More liberal society
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Nov 2011 /  #44
Legend, can I ask what anti septic cream you use? Your knuckles must take some sh!t from all the dragging they do......where do you conjure up your BS Uber race crappo from bud'? Curious minds need to know......puzzled how someone claiming to be a Pole can be such a fan of race classification as you are,surely your actually an octoginerian Bavarian?
boletus  30 | 1356  
18 Nov 2011 /  #45
There is plenty of hearsay on this topic and it proliferates over Polish web pages like European purple loosestrife over Canadian waters. There is always somebody, who knew somebody, whose grandpa was a pilot of MIG-17 shooting down American bombers over Laos. Many people want to become instantaneous heroes, but many such stories would not pass any careful scrutiny.

1. Pilot stories have no sense on the technical basis. Polish pilots could not be integrated into North Vietnamese Air Force for various reasons: poor or non-existing encryption of their radio communication (no Polish language could be used over radio waves, because Poles really wanted to appear neutral), impossibility of integration with the Vietnamese radar and AA sites for lack of language skills, and many other ones. Yeah, some 18 of them volunteers supposedly went there and one of them was Wacław Ciara, who shoot down one F-100 and one B-52. The problem is that the B-52 used to operate not earlier than in 1972, while F-100 were flying there only in 1966-67. So Mr. Ciara would have to be in Vietnam twice: in 1967 and five years later. But his grandson Piotr Ciara spins his tale on internet telling everyone how Russian code phrases were used to communicate with Vietnamese fighters in his squadron.

2. Special forces stories - "we were there, we did and saw plenty, but we actually cannot say anything because of the official secret act", or whatever it is called in Poland. Yeah..

3. Involvement of Poles in Vietnam-USA war is shrouded in mystery but everyone and his niece knows that Polish intelligence officers were the consultants to the Vietcong army and gathered information about US equipment. Possible, but I have not seen any reliable data yet.

4. Volunteers. Vietnamese papers claimed that during the French war "hundreds of foreign friends" from over 30 countries fought on VPA side. Many of them became highly decorated and reached high officer ranks, up to Lieutenant Colonel rank.

5. Deserters from the Foreign League during the French-Vietnamese war. One is known as sergeant Stefan Kubiak, who switched sides in 1948 and fought for Viet Minh for six year - finishing the war as highly decorated captain in 304 artillery division. Such individual stories are very possible - after all the neutral Canada had to cope too with its 30,000 volunteers and 110 Canadians killed in action in Vietnam.

Some stories do make sense though and are well documented. For example, Polish ship "Jan Kiliński" was used for evacuation of Viet Minh soldiers and civilians from the South to the North in 1954-1955, in cooperation with French units. But that was all legit, as a result of Geneva Convention. The estimated numbers are: 85,000 people, 3500 weapons, 250 tons of ammunition and several elephants. The following paper provides very detailed and reliable information:


There is a very interesting, well researched paper, about Poland's role during the first International Commission for Control and Supervision (ICC), consisting of Poland, Canada and India, during the years 1954-1963. The Commission achieved very little, perpetually stalemated between Warsaw and Ottawa, with neutral New Delhi performing a delicate balancing act as chair. However new Polish secret cables have been made recently available, which stress how paranoiac Poles were in order to appear neutral. Judging by that, Polish soldiers in Vietnam - aside from those on official peacekeeping duty - would not be welcome sight by Polish authorities. Poland and Vietnam, 1963: New Evidence on Secret Communist Diplomacy and the "Maneli Affair".

Another source is an interview with a Polish interpreter, who took part in the second ICC mission, set by Paris Agreement in 1973. Canadians, Poles, Hungarians and Indonesians were involved this time. He recalls "tugs of wars" between Polish-Hungarian side vs. Canadian-Indonesian side in relation to reports of "cease fire infraction events". What one side considered insignificant, the other one wanted to investigate in-depth and immediately. Other than that Polish officers were drunk all the time and have sex with the locals. After half a year Canadians had enough and refused to participate in the circus, so the Iranians took their place instead. When asked about standing on guard against CIA intelligence he responded that much worse problem than CIA were sexually transmitted diseases.
pawian  226 | 27556  
18 Nov 2011 /  #46
So do polish people are aware of this?

Don`t be stupid. One Pole in St. Patrick`s batallion isn`t worth making a thread about it in Polish history section.
legend  3 | 658  
18 Nov 2011 /  #47
Youre British and have no say. Your country is already invaded by Pakis and ****** lol.

If you are a Real European and White.

and you disagree with this movie.


you are a traitor.
Wedle  15 | 490  
18 Nov 2011 /  #48
elaborate or,you know...

In the fall of 1967, a report from an ARVN Military Intelligence coded source (L-003), told of two VC regiments in Phouc Tuy Province, accompanied by foreign advisors. The source reported that the advisors were from China, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and North Korea. The source also claimed that the VC in Binh Ba village secretary had openly boasted of the foreign advisors and had attended a celebration with them on September 27, 1967. The secretary also told the source that the foreigners had volunteered to work with the VC.

Just to start.

. Involvement of Poles in Vietnam-USA war is shrouded in mystery but everyone and his niece knows that Polish intelligence officers were the consultants to the Vietcong army and gathered information about US equipment. Possible, but I have not seen any reliable data yet.

Spot on Boletus - I have.
scottie1113  6 | 896  
18 Nov 2011 /  #49
BTW, the 1st air cav was chock full of former SS and Nazi paratroopers....

This may be the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever seen on this forum.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Nov 2011 /  #50
accompanied by foreign advisors

Advisors.......you obviously do know the difference between Advisors and combat troops dont you.
Not to mention ARVN intel is an oxymoron.
I still see no more proof than the old, " Gee sarge, I swear one of those VC was a guy I knew in High school in Peoria,went missing last year...".

This may be the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever seen on this forum.

Its called rhetoric my colonial chum,see next post for explanation

But,when I say, "chock full" I mean a handfull ;) The US Army during that particular conflict was "full" of foreign born soldiers,.......post #42

,Oh no, I doubt you'd bother doing that.....much rather a bit of indignation based on what, you like apocalypse now?
Anything to actually add or just trolling?
Wedle  15 | 490  
19 Nov 2011 /  #51
Advisors.......you obviously do know the difference between Advisors and combat troops dont you.

Absolutely, when a country sends troops to a war zone they have not declared full involvement in, they are advisors: Vietnam, Nicaragua, Somalia, Cuba and sierra leone. You do realize the type of troops they send don't you. They are not your everyday conscript...
scottie1113  6 | 896  
19 Nov 2011 /  #52
Chock full means full of, a lot of, etc. A handful is not chock full. A handful is a few.

Its called rhetoric my colonial chum

Actually it's called being misinformed.

,Oh no, I doubt you'd bother doing that.....much rather a bit of indignation based on what, you like apocalypse now?
Anything to actually add or just trolling?

It's not indignation. It's just your ignorance. WWII ended in 1945. How old would these supposed former SS and Nazi paratroopers have been during the Vietnam war? Do the math. Oh, one more thing. There weren't any paratroopers in the unit you mentioned. You do know that, don't you?

I don't want to get into a p*ssing contest with you especially since you don't know what you're talking about it. I do. I was there. I flew with them as a US Marine.

Trolling? Hardly. BTW, the only Poles I met in Vietnam were there in 1973 after the so-called Paris peace talks resulted in a temporary cessation of hostilities. They were there to "supervise" the transition of US installations to the other side. Nobody was shooting then, so they were non-combatants. Technically, they didn't fight in a war against the US.
quentin  - | 5  
19 Nov 2011 /  #53
isthatu2: BTW, the 1st air cav was chock full of former SS and Nazi paratroopers....

This is an insult, and as been mentioned before, a crock.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Nov 2011 /  #54

Yes, assinine comments without any back up based on one post............troll.

Actually it's called being misinformed.

Nope, still rhetoric.......look it up in a dictionary if you need to..............you ignorance is not my problem...

There weren't any paratroopers in the unit you mentioned. You do know that, don't you?

Seriously, you are going to claim no one was jump qualified in the 1st Air cav? Bollox matey.
( FYI, the german para had been a Glider Pilot, re trained as a Chopper Pilot,well documented)

I do. I was there. I flew with them as a US Marine.

Really? Are you sure now? Because there is nothing more pathetic than a Walt.
In fact, I fcuking hate walts with having a very close friend who was there with the 101st.

I met in Vietnam were there in 1973

So, you were there after 1973 when US combat troops had been removed from the country ...you do know when the 1st AC left Vietnam dont you?

This is an insult, and as been mentioned before, a crock.

fook off.. unorigional troll....................insult/truth... what ever.
Barney  19 | 1729  
19 Nov 2011 /  #55
I was going to slabber at you the other day but couldn't see the point.
Tonight I gotta say you are a dick.
scottie1113  6 | 896  
19 Nov 2011 /  #56

Forgive my ignorance. I don't know what a Walt is.

Yes, assinine comments without any back up based on one post............troll.

Whatever you say.

( FYI, the german para had been a Glider Pilot, re trained as a Chopper Pilot,well documented)

THE German para is a far cry from chock full.

So, you were there after 1973 when US combat troops had been removed from the country ...you do know when the 1st AC left Vietnam dont you?

During 1973 until I left. Yes to the second question.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Nov 2011 /  #57
THE German para is a far cry from chock full.

as I made clear in the very next post I made ,FFS, do you seriously not know what rhetoric is????

I don't know what a Walt is.

A Walt, "Walter Mitty", person living in fantasy land who pretends to have been a serving soldier often to be found on anonymous internet sites claiming to have been in Vietnam( insert country apropriate war/conflict/policing action)....funny,no one ever claims to have been stuck in an office on some supply base, always either Marines or Air Cav...............not saying you are one,just asking and stating my disgust at them.

Yes to the second question.

Aint wiki great, so, all gone well before 1973 ......hence my suspisions of waltness on your part. Now, of course, 1973 didnt have to be the first time you were there.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
19 Nov 2011 /  #58
I haven't been in Poland in a while but you're obviously very angry. What's the matter? Do Arab men commonly shoot their loads inside Polish girls nowadays? Is that why you're angry?
modafinil  - | 416  
19 Nov 2011 /  #59
I watched the 'movie'. Seemed to be mostly about whoring East Europeans. Then I noticed the stat 'by 2010 White British will be a minority in London'. WTF? Its about 25% non-white right now. The street I live on I'd guess 95% white, its fair to say that the neighboring streets are the same. Across England and Wales non whites are at 10%. You are living in a fantasy. It's all in your head.

So I disagree. This tripe can only be believed by hysterics. Though I agree something needs to be done about all these W****S we seem to be importing...
15 Nov 2017 /  #60
My dad was in the conscripted Polish army in the late 60's as mandatory 2 year duty. He remembers the upper officers asking conscripted soldiers if they would like to go to Vietnam and fight with the Russians and Communists(north vietnamese army). Almost everyone said no, except for a couple, who when he asked them what the hell they were doing, this is how they replied - We'll go over there and find a way to desert the commies and join the U.S.A and fight with them and then find our way to freedom in the U.S

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States?Archived