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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 18

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #931
I mean:

....sounds sensible. But then invading said country, destroying its cities and killing its people is so not helping with that!
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #932
Russia could have tried to make such an alliance appealing to Ukrainian people. Instead relied on bribery and corruption of some Ukrainian politiciansm
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #933
Russia could have tried to make such an alliance appealing to Ukrainian people

The very last thing we did before annexing Crimea, is give Yanukovich a €15B loan.

We supplied them for thirty years with gas which was cheaper than for most Russians.

Russia's entire pop music and film industry is dominated by Ukrainians.

Russians owned the largest cell operator, the largest retailer, and the largest bank in the country.

What else, other than our own anus, can we offer the Ukrainians?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #934
Russia's entire pop music and film industry is dominated by Ukrainians.

Now that is interesting! Who would have thought....
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #935
Who would have thought....

Yes, they're a very dramatic and hysterical people.

Wonder who they got that from.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #936
...the after-war-reconciliation will be either extremely difficult (Poles and Germans still don't see eye to eye after so many years), or easier than between other peoples, because of that old closeness and common history, I gather.
cms neuf  1 | 1868
4 Feb 2025   #937
15 billion is about 300 per head for Ukraine

Big whoop

And it was a loan not a gift - pathetic
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #938

is give Yanukovich a €15B loan

Which was nothing compared to what EU membership would have offered Ukraine.

Ukraine is neighbouring Poland and Belarus. One joined the Western alliance, one joined an alliance dominated by Russia. By 2014 it was clear which benefited more. And the Ukrainians noticed. Russia has nothing comparable to offer Ukraine, and itself is not a model a free country would want to copy.

Colonial powers are not destined to have hostile relations with their former subjects. In fact, they can themselves greatly benefit from having cordial relations and may even form close alliances. Russia is squandered that opportunity for at least a generation. What a waste of potential. Which I would argue, is Russia's history in a nutshell.
pawian  223 | 27187
4 Feb 2025   #939
can we offer the Ukrainians?

One major thing - leave them in peace aka odpierdolcie się Ruskie Mongoły od Europy. :):):)

We don`t need you here.

Wypierdalać!!! hahaha

cms neuf  1 | 1868
4 Feb 2025   #940
Not all bad news for North Nigerians

Intervision is coming back ! But no Rodowicz or Vondrackova - their nations long ago joined the Eurovision party.

25 countries have expressed interest - I reckon that includes Eritrea, Venezuela and the starving North Koreans

What a load of **** that is going to be
Alien  25 | 6367
4 Feb 2025   #941
What a load of **** that is going to be

They will sing about hammers and sickles. 🤭
cms neuf  1 | 1868
4 Feb 2025   #942
This is the dude who is going to be certifying the Intervision results, though he looks more at home discussing the falling output of a metallurgical factory in Omsk
Miloslaw  20 | 5145
4 Feb 2025   #943
I don't know what your opinions are of the band Black Sabbath but whatever they are, you need to watch this video.
War Pigs = Russians.

Barney  19 | 1737
4 Feb 2025   #944
The song is a protest about the imperial war in Vietnam.

It's interesting how propaganda works, started watching what was billed as a documentary about how that war of aggression changed the us. The first minute included the line "america intervened in a civil war", that's when it became crystal clear it wasnt a documentary but a propaganda puff piece. The rest of the episode confirmed my suspicion.
Miloslaw  20 | 5145
4 Feb 2025   #945
The rest of the episode confirmed my suspicion.

Whatever! I just see it as an anti war song.

This is how Russia are supposedly "winning" the war in Ukraine...... Russians are idiots!
Barney  19 | 1737
4 Feb 2025   #946
It was written specifically about the US imperial war in Vietnam. As a British citizen you should thank the Labour PM Wilson for keeping you out of it.
Novichok  5 | 8958
5 Feb 2025   #947
The song is a protest about the imperial war in Vietnam.

Hey, stupid...Learn English...

An imperial war is a war undertaken for the sake of ... enlarging the size of the imperialist nation or empire.

The US sure enlarged its size...after losing 58,000 men...

What a moron...
johnny reb  49 | 8052
5 Feb 2025   #948
As a British citizen you should thank the Labour PM Wilson for keeping you out of it.

I hate to throw ants on your picnic Barns but you are wrong.
The Brits were involved in it,
amiga500  5 | 1521
5 Feb 2025   #949
Far-right wing parties gained less than 5% of the votes in the last election

It was 15 to 30 percent in western ukranian areas, but it's irrelevant. As I have repeated ad-nasuem, it's not who gets the votes it's who has the brawn and the weapons, who is willing to use extreme violence, who runs the civil militia and night patrols, ie who controls the streets is what's important, and in Ukraine that is the Azovites/Banderites.

It's like in your motherland, no one voted for the islamists or the migrant criminal gangs, yet they still control some neighbourhoods with unofficial sharia, commit crimes with impunity, perform female genital mutilation on innocent children and sexually harass/abuse your daughters and granddaughters, yet you will say no one voted for them! it's all good!

yet despite this reality slapping you in the face you will still vote for SDP/Greens and demand more of the same. don't break your nails whilst voting pussy ass boy, gutmenschen cuck.
Tacitus  2 | 1308
5 Feb 2025   #950

and in Ukraine that is the Azovites/Banderites

Nonsense. You realized that you assertions were baseless and now you are using nonverifiable arguments.

nails whilst voting pussy ass boy, gutmenschen cuck.

Ah, you are that kind od person, got it.
amiga500  5 | 1521
5 Feb 2025   #951
You realized that you assertions were baseless now you are using nonverifiable arguments.

I never made any assertions about elections. your whole post is a non answer. Non verifiable? Lolzo how about reading NGO and academic reports from before the invasion? as well as western backed media sources.

Answer me this, why is Islamism so prevalent in your fatherland when Islamists barely get any votes in Germany?
You made a series of dumb statements and now cat got your tongue, well better than a jihadist cutting it out i guess.
Tacitus  2 | 1308
5 Feb 2025   #952
"Ukraine has a serious problem with far-right elements even though there is no data backing this up with election results even contradicting this because Germany is a caliphate." Great argument.
johnny reb  49 | 8052
5 Feb 2025   #953
Russia has lost over 1,140 soldiers killed and wounded and over 300 weapons and military equipment over the past day.
I think its time for Putin to surrender and go back home.
mafketis  38 | 11155
5 Feb 2025   #954
ussia has lost over 1,140 soldiers killed and wounded

human life has no value in russian culture.... no one cares, even family members are glad to send male relatives to their deaths if they think they'll get a pay out....

What do you think that woman will do when/if she receives a payout for husband #2? Grieve or start looking for number 3?
amiga500  5 | 1521
5 Feb 2025   #955
Germany is a caliphate."

No Germany is not a caliphate, as Ukraine is not a neo-nazi state, but it has a serious problem with Islamism as Ukraine has with neo-nazi ideology with Ukrainian characteristics. Can you get that through your naive brain?

But ho-ho haha, I bet you think after all the terrorist attacks, public stabbings and sexual assaults, there is no islamist problem in Germany and it's all just far right propaganda, and let more in because willkommenskultur!

Really there is no hope for people like you and your ilk, at least you have only f*cked up your country permanently (+Sweden) and not the whole of Europe.
Tacitus  2 | 1308
5 Feb 2025   #956

Can you get that through your naive brain?

No, because claiming that Ukraine has a "serious" (what is this even supposed to mean?) problem despite all evidence to the contrary is not going to convince anyone.

Does Ukraine have far-right elements? Sure, every country does. But unlike quite a few countries, those have little influence in the country. The serious problem Ukraine is currently faced with is the war of Russian agression. If far-right elements were a serious problem , they would have won either 2015 or 2019, because they could have used the injustice of Russia's agression and swept on a wave of resentment into office. Instead, the "fascist" Ukraine elected a native Russian speaker with Jewish roots who promised to peacefully settle the conflict with Russia.

What surprises me is how civilized the discourse in Ukraine still is after 10 years of agression, when it comes to Russia compared to the mad, hatefilled ravings of Putin, Medvedev and what is broadcasted in Russian propaganda talkshows. That is admireable indeed and to slander them like you do is just in poor taste.

@johnny reb

Since the Russian invasion started, Russia has lost 3722 tanks, 11720 combart vehicles, 151 helicopters, 28 naval ships and submarines, 3819 trucks and logistical vehicles, 446 towed artillery, 134 aircraft. The list goes on. Russia can afford to throw its' men away, but those Soviet stockpiles are more difficult to replace.
amiga500  5 | 1521
5 Feb 2025   #957
But unlike quite a few countries, those have little influence in the country.

WTF? Who suppressed the counter revolution in Eastern Ukraine after Maidan 2014 and prevented Ukraine from splitting into two? It was the volunteer Azov battalions that were full of neo-nazis, because the regular army refused to fire on their own people initially. They had the brawn, weapons and controlled the street so easy for them to move east and do what they do best
Who was the interior minister in the first post maidan government? Responsible for the security services, law and order and crushing dissent? The leader of the far right svoboda party with known neo-nazi views.

Like leftists who think history only started after the french revolution, it seems your knowledge of Ukraine begins the day russia invaded.
mafketis  38 | 11155
5 Feb 2025   #958
counter revolution in Eastern Ukraine after Maidan 2014

next you'll be quoting scott ritter.... there was no "counter revolution" in Eastern Ukraine, there was a russian invasion partly led by russians who'd (been) moved there for just such an occasion.

russia may be a flaming garbage pit but a strategic advantage vis a vis the west is future time orientation (significantly higher in russia than in the west)....
Tacitus  2 | 1308
5 Feb 2025   #959
Some people are still repeating Kremlin lies even though the last 3 years of fierce Ukrainian resistance have most impressively disproved them.

That is just sad. Almost as dilusional as the Russians who thought they would be welcomed with flowers by the Ukrainians.

Just stop. You are embarassing yourself.
Novichok  5 | 8958
5 Feb 2025   #960
years of fierce Ukrainian resistance have most impressively disproved them.

Russian army is 100% in Russia. It's Ukrainians who are the aggressor.

German army is out of Szczecin and Wroclaw because those cities are part of Poland now. Just as Donbass and Crimea are parts of Russia.

Don't like it? Go to the UN and make a speech.

Voting in a referendum has consequences. See Kosovo. That referendum was a good referendum. Right?

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 18

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