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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Novichok  5 | 7672
1 Sep 2024 #181
Russia's totally illogical invasion of Ukraine?

The Russian army is in Donbass, not Ukraine. Donbass is Russia now.
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
1 Sep 2024 #182
Donbass is Russia now.

Bollox! a quick search on Google tells you that;Donbas is a region in Ukraine. It's a large industrial and mining area in southeastern Ukraine, and is also known as the Donets Basin.

It is not Russia now, but it is currently occupied by Russian invaders that will soon be evicted.
Velund  1 | 520
1 Sep 2024 #183
a quick search on Google tells you that

... California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Utah is Mexican land, illegally occupied and annexed by United States of Alzheimer.

More thorough search show you, that Donbass, Kharkov, New Russia (Odessa, Nikolaev) is lands of Russia (developed from plain steppe where Crimean Tatar slave traders for a centuries kidnap people for a turkish slave markets). It was given by Lenin to newly created ukrainian republic as a bribe to a ukrainian nationalistic fraction of RSDRP to get more support from them in internal party affairs and to augment miserably poor and mostly peasant Galitia and Volyn (i.e. "motherland" of ukrainian nationalists) with proletariate and industry of new eastern lands.
Novichok  5 | 7672
1 Sep 2024 #184
It is not Russia now, but it is currently occupied by Russian invaders that will soon be evicted.

It is Russia after the following took place:

1. Donbass voted to separate from Ukraine
2. Donbass asked Russia to join Russia
3. Russia agreed to accept Donbass
4. Donbass is now part of Russia

...just as Cali is part of the US. If you don't like it, sue Russia.

Case closed.

Hey.Milo, I have an idea...

Your country occupied its colonies for about 300 years.

Let's come back to the subject of Russia controlling Donbass and Crimea in 2324.
Velund  1 | 520
1 Sep 2024 #185
There are exactly 3 ways Russia could meaningfully escalate

You forgot about 4-th way, or probably fear to think about it. If UK/US can fund proxy war using third parties and supply third parties by a modern weapon, why Russia cannot do the same? If ukrainian official can bring to WH a list of russian targets to get approval to attack with a US weapons, why khouti emissar cannot bring some list to Kremlin? Or why fishing boat of IRA member cannot get to their nets some containers with something capable to cause hundreds of anus infarcts in MI5, deployed through torpedo launchers of submarine that simply passed by in neutral waters...
Novichok  5 | 7672
2 Sep 2024 #186
Hey, Velund, did I get it right in Post 186?
Velund  1 | 520
2 Sep 2024 #187
did I get it right in Post 186?

Right, if we talk about 21 century.

But it was much more funny a century ago.

1. Lenin agreed with ukrainian nationalist fraction in Bolschevik party to transfer a chunk of southern Russia to a ukrainian republic they creating.
2. Kharkov and Donbass regional party organisations sharply opposed this decision, and started to work on blocking it democratically.
3. Lenin used their "administrative resource" to stop this "counter-revolution" and forced transfer.
4. Ukro nationalists started to "ukrainize" new territories, first softly, without visible "ethnical cleanizing", but quite fast someone who did not pass "ukrainian language" exam would be fired from any administrative positions, and owner of russian family names would suddenly find "ukrainized" version in a newly issued passports. This was still "Sumy region" variant of Malorossian dialect, not yet galician "surzhik" heavily contaminated with polonisms, like now.

Somewhere at (4) my grandfather decided to show a middle finger to that ukrainian fanatics, moved to Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk and finally changed family name to a Russian variant (back). It was mid-1930's...
mafketis  38 | 10847
2 Sep 2024 #188
russians and their supporters will wrap themselves in knots to defend hitting an orphanage with a ballistic missile....


my hypohtesis (russians (and their supporters) place no value on human life) is yet to be disproven
Bobko  26 | 2175
2 Sep 2024 #189
as a bribe to a ukrainian nationalistic fraction of RSDRP to get more support from them in internal party affairs

Among Lenin's greatest mistakes, letting these monkeys have anything.

In general, Lenin set up a bomb under our country cutting... countries for every single nationality. It was inevitable that one day, in a moment of our weakness, they would then all spin out as independent entities.
mafketis  38 | 10847
2 Sep 2024 #190
in a moment of our weakness, they would then all spin out as independent entitie

russian reaction to people wanting self-determination: "freedom.... horrible, horrible freedom"
Bobko  26 | 2175
2 Sep 2024 #191
russian reaction to people wanting self-determination

We were among the first to do it - in the entire world. This was a year or two after Woodrow Wilson laid out his vision for the post war world.

The British and French laughed at Wilson's ideas of self determination. We embraced it earnestly.

The Soviet Union at that time was the most progressive place in the world.

Whether you are talking about self determination, abstract art, granting women suffrage and integrating them into the workforce, or ensuring protections for minority languages and cultures.

The greatest renaissance of your beloved Ukraine's culture and language happened due to Lenin's decisions.

Unfortunately, slicing up the empire into 15 republics was not repaid with kindness to Russia. We set up a bomb under the foundations of our state, because of some "current fad".
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11924
2 Sep 2024 #192
You know Bobko....from afar....and through the prism of time....attacked from so many sides....things might look more soft and rosy as living through it actually had been...wouldn't you agree?

*feels old*
cms neuf  1 | 1739
2 Sep 2024 #193
In 1924 the USSR was a murderous dictatorship with pitiful living standards - the world's largest prison camp.

How about 2024 ?
jon357  73 | 22640
2 Sep 2024 #194
In 1924 the USSR was a murderous dictatorship with pitiful living standards

Almost as bad as Tsarist times.

slicing up the empire

The age of empires is long over.
mafketis  38 | 10847
2 Sep 2024 #195
To the great and bitter disappointment of most russians.... schoolchildren in Kharkiv are not in bombable buildings but in underground schools...
Korvinus  1 | 559
2 Sep 2024 #196
Russia recognized Ukraine in its current borders (with Crimea) not once, but twice, in 1991 and 1997.

Once a country recognizes a territory of another state this act cannot be arbitrarily revoked - unless a country doing so wants to become a laughing stock and be considered as rogue state by all neighbours.

Seethe all you want - nobody, including your alleged ally, China, recognizes Russian Crimea and other annexations.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union Russia under different pretenses robbed Moldavia, Georgia and Ukraine of their respective territories, while threatening Poland and Baltic States with violence (couldn't do much more, we managed to join NATO before Moscow could pose any serious danger again). It's the most imperialist and land-grabby state in our viccinity. Current war only proves that Poland's decision to integrate itself into the political, military and economic structures of the West was the best one we could have made.
Korvinus  1 | 559
2 Sep 2024 #197
The Soviet Union at that time was the most progressive place in the world.

Somehow imperial Russia was the world's largest exporter of grain, and yet after Stalin's reforms of agriculture those best soils on Earth could never feed even the Soviet population.
Ironside  50 | 12466
2 Sep 2024 #198
The Soviet Union at that time was the most progressive place in the world

a if that is a good thing. it was hell on earth even the authoritarian previous regime was better.
Velund  1 | 520
2 Sep 2024 #199
Once a country recognizes a territory of another state this act cannot be arbitrarily revoked

Unless another state changes some very important conditions, that was taken into account in recognition time.

Ukraine was recognized as neutral non-block country as it declared itself July 16, 1990, and all later decision and referendum was made directly mentioning that initial declaration. Once intention to join NATO was included in Constitution - conditions changed enough to create basis to reconsider everything.
cms neuf  1 | 1739
2 Sep 2024 #200
First sentence of a wikipedia page on this.

In 1999 North Nigeria signed some convention in Istanbul, saying European states could join whatever alliance they wish.

Ukraine wants ti join NATO for obvious reasons - they live next door to drunk invaders.

How is it going in Pokrovsk ? Another 50 metres closer ?
Alien  22 | 5479
2 Sep 2024 #201
How is it going in Pokrovsk ? Another 50 metres closer ?

They don't know because they sold the maps for vodka.
Velund  1 | 520
2 Sep 2024 #202
signed some convention in Istanbul

You read only sentences you like... But there is sentence in chapter 8 immediately following the ones you like - "They will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States".

So, when Lithuania build Bundeswehr base near border - it is "strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States". Ukraine in NATO - even bigger violation of something that was declared on OSCE summit...

And after OSCE personnel from mission in Donbass was later caught on artillery fire correction for AFU, you can roll their declarations and stuck to your place where sun never shines.
Novichok  5 | 7672
2 Sep 2024 #203
russian reaction to people wanting self-determination: "freedom.... horrible, horrible freedom"

So now - suddenly - you like "self-determination" - a great idea except when it is in Crimea and Donbass...right?

Based on the above, Nigeria, and spelling of "Russia", I will not be asking if every Polak is a moron anymore. You are.
In 1999 North Nigeria signed some convention, saying European states could join whatever alliance they wish.

So the fvck what? Doing something stupid in 1999 does not mean you must be stupid till the end of time to please some stupid Polaks in 2024.

How is it going in Pokrovsk ? Another 50 metres closer ?

...and 5000 more dead Ukrainians...the guys who already know that Z-P=0...and that they dying for bullshit aka "freedom and democracy"...a nice sounding phrase to motivate idiots...

BTW, what the fvck is "metres"? It's "meters", dumbass...

you can roll their declarations and stuck to your place where sun never shines.

The American version:

...shove it where the sun don't shine...

Either way, it sounds good to me...

conditions changed enough to create basis to reconsider everything.

Only "Western democracies" are allowed "to reconsider". Russia is not.
mafketis  38 | 10847
2 Sep 2024 #204
The future of war is going to be terrible....

Now Ukraine has drones that use thermite to clear out russian held tree lines.....

I'm told that no russian is in Ukraine that didn't volunteer to go, so.... no, I don't feel bad for the russian soldiers on the receiving end of that.

Invading Ukraine was a Pandora's box for russia and unimaginable horrors will be released.... and russians still support the war....
Novichok  5 | 7672
2 Sep 2024 #205
Invading Ukraine

Russia didn't invade Ukraine. Donbass and Crimea are part of the Russian Federation so the Russian army is in Russia, azhole...

This is a liberation war - just as the Red Army (I love you, guys) liberated Poland in 1945.
cms neuf  1 | 1739
2 Sep 2024 #206
I thought you might be spending Labor Day having a family picnic or watching some sport. Should have known you had settled in for a hard days trolling
Poloniusz  4 | 853
2 Sep 2024 #207
Wow, things are really flaring up by design.

From December 2023:

New Polish PM Donald Tusk vows "full mobilization" of West to help Ukraine

Tusk stated: "Poland's task, the new government's task, but also the task of all of us, is to loudly and firmly demand the full determination from the entire Western community to help Ukraine in this war. I will do this from day one."

To September 2024:

Poland has 'duty' to down Russian missiles over Ukraine - FM

"Poland and other NATO members bordering Ukraine must be able to shoot down Russian missiles and drones that they believe pose a threat, even if they are not in their airspace, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has said."

Tusk and his warmongering henchmen can't wait to send young Polish men (though not their own, of course) to die in Ukraine for The Little Green Man with the Big Ego.

I'd love to see which defense and construction companies they've stockpiled shares in though. Nothing says 'strategic investment' like betting big on destruction and rebuilding.
Crow  154 | 9150
2 Sep 2024 #208
I am surprised with madness of brat Tusk. He looked so normal. True Serbian. And look at him now. Drunk. Must be drunk or on drugs. Or obliged over some homosexual incident from past and now blackmailed.
Poloniusz  4 | 853
2 Sep 2024 #209
True Serbian.

No, a proud Kashubian and Eurocrat.
pawian  220 | 24932
2 Sep 2024 #210
We need more such noble men as Him!
Kneel down and say your evening prayer for Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk. Bądź grzecznym chłopczykiem i zmów paciorek!

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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