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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11924
31 Aug 2024 #151
.....nearly 30 percent dissatisfaction....that is nearly every third person!

Frankly I never had expected that much "njet" to Putin and his ukrainian least not that openly as with a poll!

I'm very surprised (or very stupid:)
Novichok  5 | 7672
31 Aug 2024 #152
I'm very surprised (or very stupid:)

Western lies are more dangerous because they are spread by the presswhores we tend to trust.

Under "communism", even communists didn't trust gov propaganda.
Novichok  5 | 7672
31 Aug 2024 #153
Ukraine is fighting for Donbass because of the region's vast natural resources, which Kiev and its foreign backers want to exploit, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

Wait just a minute...So it's not about "freedom and democracy"? I am so shocked I have to stop posting and go to the gym to recover.

Hey, Polish idiots, did you read this? It's about "vast natural resources" not poems and heroes...Who would have thought THAT...

BTW, I may have mentioned that possibility two years ago...
Joker  2 | 2153
31 Aug 2024 #154
So what is Biden/Harris strategy for ending the war? They keep asking for more money without ever telling us the game plan, they just want to keep it going on forever.

The havent and strategy at all just like Kameltoes campaign all smoke and mirrors.
mafketis  38 | 10847
31 Aug 2024 #155
what is Biden/Harris strategy for ending the war? T

My working hypothesis: They're waiting for the russians to come to their senses and stop. It's a stupid plan that won't work because the invasion was not based on any kind of rational foundation...

For a couple of decades it seemed that russia wanted to join the win/win maritime order (the global trade and diplomatic rules based orders that dictators and those who love them hate). russia made fabulous amounts of money in that order but.... being russia it mostly was stolen and most russians' lives were not bettered at all...

But the American political establishment does not understand that different societies have different values and different agendas and the russian agenda is to conquer as much of the world as possible.... they're very clear and open about it but many refuse to listen.

The right is just as bad - they seem to think russia will be happy if it swallows up Ukraine and maybe some other former soviet countries... but giving narcissists what they say they want never makes them happy....
Korvinus  1 | 559
31 Aug 2024 #156
It's about "vast natural resources"

Seriously. Putin wants Ukraine defenseless with an army weaker than post-Treaty of Versailles Germany, giving 1/3 of its most resource-rich territories to the RU, constitutionally unable to ask for help if attacked. How can this demand become even worse? He is demanding full annexation and that everyone who participated in Maidan or is a native Ukrainian speaker go to a gulag?

Needless to say, if UA accepts such an awful deal, everyone that can will flee west, and they will have only old pensioners to take care of. No one will invest in a defenseless Ukraine neighboring Russia. In other words, Putin is already demanding the end of Ukraine.

IMO listening to Ukrainians, even if the situation is like RU propaganda depicts, is more likely that Ukraine will try something crazy like coating mines in radioactive material to dissuade RU from invading further than accept any "suicidal" deal proposed by RU.
mafketis  38 | 10847
31 Aug 2024 #157
listening to Ukrainians, even if the situation is like RU propaganda depicts, is more likely that Ukraine will try something crazy

What I've heard is... planned nuclear plant meltdowns.... again, russia put Ukraine on death ground (made it clear that if russia won they were dead) to think they don't have some Samson plans is.... very naive.

they will have only old pensioners to take care of

russia loves central asians and they'll import them (as in Mariupol)....

russia has it's own version of the Great Placement...
Bobko  26 | 2175
31 Aug 2024 #158
What I've heard is... planned nuclear plant meltdowns...

These are the assh0les you support. Congratulations.
vessel  - | 1
31 Aug 2024 #159
Witajcie Polki, zapewne wiecie, jaki dziś dzień, bez zbędnych ceregieli chcę Wam pogratulować tego wspaniałego dnia. Od 1 września!! Chwała Rosji
GefreiterKania  28 | 1393
31 Aug 2024 #160
"What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction?" (Rom. 9:22)

Welcome to PF, vessel.
mafketis  38 | 10847
31 Aug 2024 #161
These are the assh0les you support.

And you support bombing childrens' hospitals and you invaded so _everything_ bad that comes from it.... is on you.

Don't like it? Stand up and tell the russian government to stop.... oops.. I'm sorry... you're too much of a coward.
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
31 Aug 2024 #162
It seems that the Russian mentality are incapable of grasping this.

Don't like it? Stand up and tell the russian government to stop.

Most Russians are total cowards, they fear their government and probably with good reason.Time for another Russian revolution!
Bobko  26 | 2175
31 Aug 2024 #163
vessels of wrath prepared for destruction?

Oh wow, very nice.
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
31 Aug 2024 #164

As someone who lives in America and probably profits from that, would you not welcome a Russian democratic revolution and if not, why not?
Novichok  5 | 7672
31 Aug 2024 #165
It's a stupid plan that won't work.

Yes, Putin is stupid, his generals are stupid, Duma is stupid, and everybody in Russia is stupid.

Maf is smart.

Just to test if you are an imbecile...Was the US invasion of Iraq based on a rational foundation?

a Russian democratic revolution

Is the UK planning a democratic revolution to stop the migrant invasion?

Let me get straight...A revolution in Russia can be "democratic" but a referendum in Crimea cannot. Did I get it right?
Bobko  26 | 2175
31 Aug 2024 #166
would you not welcome a Russian democratic revolution

I am not mentally ill, yet.
Novichok  5 | 7672
31 Aug 2024 #167
We just had a Democratic revolution and a new dictator was crowned.

All they need now is enough stupid people to "approve this message".
Korvinus  1 | 559
1 Sep 2024 #168
Yes, Putin is stupid, his generals are stupid, Duma is stupid, and everybody in Russia is stupid.

Russia is already dedicating almost 100% of their military resources to Ukraine. Russia has already mobilized their defense industry to the max they are able to. Russia is already striking all Ukrainian targets without limit.

There are exactly 3 ways Russia could meaningfully escalate, and none of them are great options as they would generally hurt Russia as much or more than they would help Russia.

Nuclear - I hope it isn't necessary to explain why the backlash Russia would face means this isn't something they will do.

Start attacking countries supplying Ukraine - An even worse option than nukes, because this just increases the number of enemies they have to fight significantly. There wouldn't be a quicker path to defeat for Russia than to do this.

Full mobilization of reserve manpower - This would give Russia a big manpower edge, that they would put to good use, but it comes at a big cost to their economy, including their defense industry production. So they'd get more manpower, but they'd produce less war materials. There would also be a significant political cost as many of the Russian elites are against this, and it would hurt the overall public support for the war. This is the one it is most likely Russia might utilize, and they may resort to it anyway as a means to gain manpower if their current recruitment/coercion methods stop producing the necessary manpower to continue the way.

This is already Russia's full effort and if Russia had a button they could press to "Win the war in Ukraine much faster" they would have already pressed it in late 2022.
pawian  220 | 24932
1 Sep 2024 #169
almost 100% military resources

Yes. Konigsberg region has been demilitarised almost completely.

mobilized defense industry to max

Which badly affected their weaponry export, now reduced to zero.

without limit.

No, there is limit to their capacities. They aren`t able to produce hundreds of tanks per month. They produce about 100. The same with advanced missiles. This means serious limits.

Russians will soon have to copy this old propaganda poster calling for bigger work effort:

Work for victory!!!

mafketis  38 | 10847
1 Sep 2024 #170
if Russia had a button they could press

One person has a button (by russian design) and he hasn't personally suffered any negative consequences.... why would he stop now? It's not like the russian public has the stones to confront him....
cms neuf  1 | 1739
1 Sep 2024 #171
A lot more Ukie attacks on North Nigeria's crappy infrastructure today. Good news and proof that the NNs have no air defences
pawian  220 | 24932
1 Sep 2024 #172
They aren`t able to produce hundreds of tanks per month. They produce about 100.

Those 100 per month are an easy prey for Ukrainian heroes.

The U.S. Army has signed a $1.3 billion contract with Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Javelin Joint Venture to produce FGM-148 Javelin missiles and related equipment. The contract includes the delivery of about 4,000 missiles to Ukraine to supplement previously transferred weapons.
johnny reb  46 | 7360
1 Sep 2024 #173
The majority of people in Poland believe that the Polish military should shoot down objects flying over Polish territory during Russian attacks on Ukraine, even if they are not sure what objects they are.
Respondents were asked: "In your opinion, should Poland shoot down objects flying above our territory during Russian attacks on Ukraine, even if it is not certain what objects they are?"
58.5% of the survey participants answered "yes". 22.1% hold the opposite opinion, while 19.4% said they were "not sure".
pawian  220 | 24932
1 Sep 2024 #174
The majority of people

Of course. It is quite natural. Currently they are using peace time procedures for such UFOs - none can be shot down if it isn`t identified properly coz they fear it might be a civilian plane which got lost.
johnny reb  46 | 7360
1 Sep 2024 #175
- none can be shot down if it isn`t identified properly

The majority of people in Poland believe that the Polish military should shoot down objects flying over Polish territory during Russian attacks on Ukraine, even if they are not sure what objects they are.

Poland makes a "NO FLY ZONE" in that air space over Poland and if anything flies into it, Poof, all gone.
mafketis  38 | 10847
1 Sep 2024 #176
Meanwhile.... russia unsated by beheading a 14 year old girl yesterday they hit an orphanage with a ballistic missile today....

human life is of no value to russians...... (even the russians here never deny that..)

And some wonder why i'm a russophobe....
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
1 Sep 2024 #177
human life is of no value to russians...... (even the russians here never deny that..)

So true.

And some wonder why i'm a russophobe....

Aren't most of us?There is nothing redeeming about Russians and never has been.....TBH, if they were wiped off the face of the earth, the world would be a better place.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1393
1 Sep 2024 #178
And some wonder why i'm a russophobe

American missiles fell on civilian buildings in many countries. Israeli missiles are falling on such buildings as we speak. Are you also an Americanophobe and an Israeliphobe?

if they were wiped off the face of the earth, the world would be a better place

What the f*ck? Is there some sort of Say the Most Idiotic Thing Competition going on here?
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
1 Sep 2024 #179
@GefreiterKania You really are a stupid pr1ck aren't you?How can you compare war with justification to Russia's totally illogical invasion of Ukraine?

Is there some sort of Say the Most Idiotic Thing Competition going on here?

If there was, you would have won it already!!! What an ignoramus you are!!!!!
GefreiterKania  28 | 1393
1 Sep 2024 #180
You really are a stupid pr1ck aren't you

I'd rather be a stupid pr*ck than a genocidal sick f*ck, dreaming of wiping a nation off the face of the earth.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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