I said you greatly contributed to her death.
What a fu*k are you talking about? What do you know about me or my family? Zero, nada. Are you assuming that you have a right to slender her memory with impunity just because she is no longer with me? What kind of insanity can you commit and make an excuse for it? Is there no rationality left in your brain?
Think logically. I couldn`t abuse a person like your daughter coz she is dead
Your logic is frightening, so for the rest of your life, you are condemned to wander aimlessly in the intellectual desert.
So why did you hit the roof and write those insanities about me???
Poor innocent Pawian, noncontroversial, cultural, refined, and not confrontational, got sucker punched by some insane ruffian. Is that what happened?
Is that your sane recollection of reality? Because in my possession is a short collection of truly insane posts authored by you, undeniable truth, exposing you
as unhinged lunatic, vain, petty, churlish, and gruff; otherwise, you are OK
Ps.shamless liar and manipulator