Hi guys,
care to help foreigner?
I would like to travel from warsaw to Rzeczenica. I dont speak polish at all, but i guess i can learn some sentences before I get there.
How can I reach Rzeczenica from warsaw airport?
I tried to look up bus or train or even flight to nearest airport, but my limited polish make this impossible to get useful info.
I will be travelling from tokyo. I will have choice to arrive at warsaw airport at 19:30 or at 12:40 around new year holidays.
Happy holidays!
Personally I'd come at this from another angle: fly into Berlin (probably be cheaper anyway) then train from Berlin to Koszalin (it's easy to get round Berlin speaking no German) and then bus from there. Another alternative would be fly to Berlin, then train to Poznan and hire a car there. I suppose you could also hire a car in Koszalin.