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More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk?

Zibi  - | 335  
14 Jul 2013 /  #31
As usual, Kaczyński does not make sense.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jul 2013 /  #32
Google translator is atrocious... It should be: there is no Poland wtihout the Church...
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
14 Jul 2013 /  #33
Do you watch it often? I remember you saying you'd listened to Radio Maryja!

I listen for the occasional check on what's being said, when I have a Polish speaker around.

So far, heard nothing anti-Semitic etc.

Religion sort of fascinates me. Whether through some unseen power, or just a placebo or psychological effect, it does seem to bring great comfort to some people. And that in itself is fascinating (at least for me). The rest of the time I listen to Radio 5 Live and LBC, so I'm pretty much unshockable ;o)

PS Asked a RC Polish person recently if Fr R does indeed have a Maybach. "His private things don't bother me" was their somewhat offhand response.
jon357  72 | 23353  
14 Jul 2013 /  #34
Personally I find it boring as hell, and insipidly sentimental. I spend a lot of time in a frien's shop and she has to have it on when her old lady customers are in, since they hassle her about it. As soon as the shop's quiet the radio goes off for the sake of her staff who can't stand the sound of it.

Religion sort of fascinates me.

Hard to say whether religion in general ultimately does more good than harm or more harm than good. The Family of Radio Maryja though is firmly in the latter category.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
14 Jul 2013 /  #35
I'm in two minds about it, just as perhaps you are.

I also watched Religia TV the other day, they have a phone in too, and some woman phoned up and gave the monk a bo**ock**g for referring to a scientist for some opinion on something or the other. One of her quotes went something like: "You are a priest aren't you, I assume? I ask because I don't see a crucifix on your or anywhere in the studio? You do believe, I assume..?" He wasn't too chuffed, and not long after cut her off. I thought it was comedy gold myself, but things like that tickle me, maybe I'm childish I dunno.
jon357  72 | 23353  
14 Jul 2013 /  #36
Watching extremes is always odd.I do it too.

Have you ever visited the Kosciol Mariawicki sect (who definitely don't run a TV station)? Now that's exotic...
sobieski  106 | 2111  
14 Jul 2013 /  #37
our dear PiS leader,

Besides his North Korean election result in Sosnowiec, his title is the same as this from Kim-Jong-Il, according to you.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jul 2013 /  #38
Kosciol Mariawicki

Which one -- the Starokaotlicki or Katolicki? The latter has priestesses and bishupesses. The former has their HQ in Płock and the latter in nearby Felicjanów.
jon357  72 | 23353  
14 Jul 2013 /  #39
The Felicjanow lot are very secretive, though a friend did visit them recently. The cathedral in Plock is rather nice.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2013 /  #40
As usual, Kaczyński does not make sense.

Funny thing is, it's only Kaczynski that's talking about destroying the Church and so on.

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