Paul 4528 13 Jun 2010 / #1Hi just a quick question . I work at a factory a have become freinds with a Polish girl called Basia. I am in the process of splitting up with my wife ( not because of my friendship with Basia) and even with the language barrier have found we have lots in common and eventually when my divorce goes through ,i would like to ask her out on a date.The question is i have bought her a small silver necklace as a thank you present for ,well just listening to me talk. Would this be appropriate or would she be offended. i am not sure of the right way of doing things.Hope you can help me.Paul
shush 1 | 209 13 Jun 2010 / #2You better wait with presents. And first sort ur marriage (or divorce) out and then date others.
OP Paul 4528 13 Jun 2010 / #3I will wait for the sensible answers to arrive and ignore the the people who clearly have mental issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shush 1 | 209 13 Jun 2010 / #4Why my answer wasnt sensible? coz it was not what u expected to hear? espana is right (apart from the insults etc) - first sort ur divorce out and then date others. And to be honest, with presents wait until you are with her in a relationship, otherwise it is just weird, and it would look like you want to buy her.
Forfour44 9 | 94 13 Jun 2010 / #6Paul.I know sometimes it doesn't work out and you need to get divorced.If you like her. Get her something. not a neckless or anything like that just yet.Polish women love flowers. keep the neckless untill you know she likes you back.Don't listen to some of these people.Do what feels right to you tho.
OP Paul 4528 13 Jun 2010 / #7Cheers thanks for the advice. I think a nice bunch of flowers may be more appropriate.Its more of a friendly gesture at this moment in time.. As i don't need any more hassle with a house sale and divorce going through. God knows its stressful enough...LOL..
pawian 220 | 24929 16 Oct 2019 / #8i have bought her a small silver necklace as a thank you present for ,well just listening to me talk.Jewellery usually suggests serious intentions. I suppose in any culture in the world.
terri 1 | 1661 21 Oct 2019 / #11ha ha, no Polish girls would rather have Gucci handbags, shoes, cars, houses....more concrete things. P.s. and this is to the girls - always get a dated signed paper from the giver that any item given to you is a present, never expected to be given back.
pawian 220 | 24929 21 Oct 2019 / #12no Polish girls would rather have Gucci handbags, shoes, cars, houses....more concrete things.Like all girls/women everywhere in the world. :):)