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Posts by teargas  

Joined: 25 Apr 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Jun 2015
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Posts: Total: 71 / In This Archive: 67
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: gardening, languages

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20 Jun 2015
News / Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights? [1169]

PS: I saw A. Grodzka a few days ago and personally I admire her because it is not easy (and like said, if she was elected, it is only because she was no.2 on her party's list).

It doesn't work like that in Poland. Candidates are elected because of how many personal votes they get combined with the total percentage for their party. So if a party gains two mandates, then the two candidates with the most votes from the list get elected.
26 Jun 2015
News / Poland have the 3rd best Education System of Europe [49]

It puts Poland in top 10 best education in world and top 5 in Europe. Is this article true ?

It's true. Poland has been doing astonishingly well at the secondary level. For all the moaning about the Matura, the evidence suggests that the school reform into 6+3+3 plus a change in general culture has worked well. I suspect the Polish focus on obtaining a broad education also doesn't hurt, especially compared to the narrow UK focus.

It's the tertiary level where Poland is failing badly, due to the PRL-era law that granted autonomy to universities and hence the ability for them to allow all sorts of nonsense.
26 Jun 2015
Law / Driver license: Moroccan/UAE into Polish exchange / convention. Zameldowanie (residence registration) [13]

It's impossible to understand Polish politicians and public office employees.

No, actually, there's some logic to it. By the law, you have to be resident in Poland for at least 185 days before applying for a driving licence. This means that the zameldowanie is the proof of this.

So, how are banks able to work in the countries where there is even no identity cards, not to mention "zameldowanie"? :)

Welcome to the world of identity fraud. There's a reason why the UK has such huge problems while Poland has minimal problems.

The zameldowanie system should be kept, but it should work like the Finnish system. You turn up (or do it online), you tell them "I now live here" and everything is fine. It then functions as your official address for everything, including tax purposes.

But even if so, it's an absurd that for the document confirming it, you have to pay extra.

You don't have to pay for it.

And for similar institutions in the countries where there exist nothing like "zameldowanie", or even they have no identity cards, this is not a problem.

Yes, but identity theft is a huge problem.
27 Jun 2015
News / Poland have the 3rd best Education System of Europe [49]

The Polish Matura does not hold a candle to the baccalaureate or the UK A Level. Dress it up how you like.

We're not talking about the Matura, but rather the general system of education. I'd argue that the Polish emphasis on obtaining a general education is what is driving the PISA scores up, combined with a centralised system. It's more or less what the Finns adopted, the only thing lacking is treating the profession very seriously.

Please spell it out. What nonsense precisely?

At the university level? The fact that courses are essentially made up without any supervision by others (if you're familiar with the UK, then it would be called validation), that blatant cheating is often ignored, and many other things. I've heard stories of unbelievable sexism displayed by older professors, and marking is often arbitrary and clearly made up.

there to be respected and unnerringly deferred to, which should have died with Charles Dickens alerting us to the fact.

All I can say is that something is working. Having visited Finland to observe their schooling system, I can tell you that one notable thing is that there's very little difference between the Finnish classroom and the Polish classroom at the 12+ level, except that grades are seen as pointless in the Finnish system, which I agree with.

Please read this


It is absolutely shocking. Can You imagine working there?