[Moved from]: Polish population in WA and Perth - 2012
Hello all,
I am preparing for an interview and one of the aspects I need to cover is the polish community in Perth and WA area in general. The only figures I could find were from 2006. Has anyone got up to date links or stats about our polish brothers and sisters in Western Australia?
Witam, przygotowuje sie do rozmowy o prace i jeden z aspektow, do ktorego musze sie przygotowac to polonia polska w Perth in zachodniej Australii. Jedyne informacje i liczby jakie znalazlem byly z roku 2006. Czy ma ktos moze jakies linki na czasie albo statystyki, z ktorych moglbym skorzystac o naszych braciach i siostrach zyjacych w zachodniej Australii?
Dziekuje i pozdrawiam/Many thanks and best wishes
By the way, I'm moving to Perth area in January and you will hopefully have a Polish speaking Police Officer in your local community who is about to transfers from the UK to hopefully build links and improve confidence in the Police (knowing how the Police in Poland operates, the trust in the Police needs boosting especially for the newcomers)
Hit me with any questions on this thread
Are you still looking for somewhere to live? Redcliffe, Belmont, Guilford, Maylands, Ascot etc are all close to the City and airport. Also, Bayswater, Bassendean, Ashfield. Areas are a little more expensive but close to train lines.
Great areas in the Swan Valley region too - just a bit further from the airport.