i need a holiday and need to know the best seaside resort i can go to in Poland, some people have told me about Hel !!!
Where is the best seaside resort in Poland?
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589
18 May 2009 / #2
Sopot (near Gdansk) is a major health-spa and tourist resort destination. Google it.
Wroclaw Boy
18 May 2009 / #3
I certainly wouldnt recommend £eba, i had the worst holiday off my life there, by chance ended up in a casino in Sopot and I was like - now this is a bit more like it.
I certainly wouldnt recommend £eba
18 May 2009 / #5
I certainly wouldnt recommend £eba
It is hugely overcrowded (hard to even find space to walk on the beach, let alone put your towel down); outragously overpriced (in high summer rooms in £eba's best hotel are 900zl a night, that is about double what a room in Warsaw's best hotel costs; however the Rhialto in Warsaw is flawless and the Neptun in £eba isn't even a particularly good three-star hotel); and attracts the wrong kind of people (in the 1990s it was the summer holiday destination of choice among Poland's mafia and although they no longer go there, wannabes do).
Personally I'd suggest Ustka as the best seaside resort in Poland, although Sopot is certainly good if you want a city rather than a small town.
somepeople have told me about Hel !!!
Yep Sopot is the place, great beaches, not too built up with Mcdonalds and all the fast food rubbish. Easy to visit Gdansk, and overall a great place, 40 mins from Marlborgh Castle(spelt wrong I know) by train. Hel just over the water, you can go there for the day there is an aquarium and visit the last house in Poland.
I love this place, and the people are great. Really good for families too, as the beach is super, and you can walk to Gydinia along the seafront, or cycle to Gdansk with the cycling paths.
You can always say to your friends that you have been to Hel and back in one day!
Wroclaw Boy
18 May 2009 / #7
Wroclaw Boy:
I certainly wouldnt recommend £eba
I certainly wouldnt recommend £eba
Small beach, tatty looking town with bad roads and crumbling pavements, terrible guest house style accomodation, it rained everyday and was jacket weather in June, it was the first real holiday i had in Poland and i couldnt believe how miserable everybody looked. One night I had a few drinks in a restaurant and became a tad loud for a second, everybody in the place just stopped and looked at me. Couldnt believe i let my wife talk me into it.
Upon leaving the train broke down and i was stranded in this horrible place for another few hours.
Most of Polish seaside towns are overcrowded especially through the summer period, Hel, £eba, Ustka, Władysławowo are best examples, in fact all little tourist towns around Zatoka Gdańska are full of tourists in that time. Sopot is a city not a town, so it depends what are you aiming for. Generally it's pretty close to every tourist town from tri city - on the other hand there are huge traffic jams when you're driving from fi Sopot to Hel...
Wroclaw Boy you mentioned "rain" like it was a trait of £eba town.. ; o just bad luck..
Wroclaw Boy you mentioned "rain" like it was a trait of £eba town.. ; o just bad luck..
Upon leaving the train broke down and i was stranded in this horrible place for another few hours.
Most of Polish seaside towns are overcrowded especially through the summer period
cities, towns, villages, houses, hotels, campings, beaches, restaurants, pubs .... true. and many germans :/
i like dabki close to darwowo. nicely pleaced among the sea, the lake and the woods.

you're driving from fi Sopot to Hel...
Just take a boat from Sopot to Hel, how long 30 mins, dont even bother to drive it makes no sense.
Yeah, didn't think of that, last time I was visting Hel I was acommodated in Wladyslawowo so it was obvious for me - and pretty comfy too, to use my car. Of course if you are somewhere in the tri city and you just want to have a one day trip to Hell just use the ferry. On the other hand if you want to visit other towns situated on the Hel peninsula, for example Hałupy - known cause of presidents villa located there, and probably the most expensive seaside resort around you can always take the train.
18 May 2009 / #12
in fact all little tourist towns around Zatoka Gdańska are full of tourists in that time.
Generally speaking, the further you get from Gdansk, the quieter it'll be. Until you start getting close to Germany and it gets busy again.