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March of Tolerance in Krakow  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
84 - You know one of my friends told me the same thing. I wasn't even aware of a free...

Newsrychlik - 18 Oct 2008 / grethomory - 25 Oct 2008
should I convert all my dollars into PLN?
Polish economy, the US Dollar, the PLN and the Polish real estate bubble.
Women's average earnings as a percentage of men's. Poland's near top.  2
US DOLLAR = 2.47 on 2 Oct 2008?  2
Rothschilds Open Banking Network in Poland: Allianz Polska
New Polish Euro Coins  2  3
Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states now! Poland reaction?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
236 - Ah, again these meaningless words!...

NewsConstantineK - 26 Aug 2008 / ConstantineK - 17 Oct 2008
British war memorial in/near Trojmiasto?
19 - it means they collect honouraria ;)...

Newstonykenny - 8 Oct 2008 / z_darius - 15 Oct 2008
CNN Special On Poland
16 - Thanx....

NewsSvenski - 5 Oct 2008 / Maferz - 14 Oct 2008
Poland has an old ambition to become a regional power  2
× how to mark a read mail as unread  2
Adult movie producers looking for 'actresses' in Poland or just a weirdo?  2  3  4
Polish court systems
If reality does not suit you, live a fantasy life.
5 - With East Prussia as well :) And empty bottles of 'Moskovskaya'....

NewsBorrka - 4 Oct 2008 / Bartolome - 4 Oct 2008
Are we going in this direction - Orwell 1984
This is horrible... Baby farm in Poznan!!!!  2
Poland to open its first-ever baby store selling human babies
21 - Put me down for three - one of each...

NewsDupek Stupak - 3 Aug 2008 / MrBubbles - 2 Oct 2008
Why the American economy is not going to fail - take a lesson from Poland  2
The 4th annexation of Poland - Watch LIVE now!  2  3
Eat fish you idiot! (EU massive media campaign in Poland)  2
Metal concerts in Poland- where to launch them?
Polish skin - why pink; would it survive in hot countries?
30 - if they choose my girl they will be upset, she eats like a horse As if...

Newsroynelson - 9 Sep 2008 / sausage - 21 Sep 2008
Gold Prices in Poland?
17 -

Newsmorella - 7 Sep 2008 / rdywenur - 20 Sep 2008
"Jokes" on the account of Poles are part of assimilation process?
19 - That can be debated. I like your Joke though!...

NewsCrow - 18 Sep 2008 / outintheyard - 19 Sep 2008
The advantages and good reputation of Polish workers  2
Main Polish newspapers in English popular in Poland
Polish Banks suck yes or no ?
Undertakers in Lodz :(
Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army?  2  3  4
Brits battle to save historic railway in Poland
What Poland has with USA global schemes?  2
Missiles in Poland: reasons and reactions
13 - new world order, illuminati, freemasonry........

Newsdfrank - 14 Sep 2008 / EraAtlantia - 15 Sep 2008
Lavrov Visit: Warsaw Bracing Itself for a Firm Talk
What are the economical chances of Poland?
× Poland boycotts German goods?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
266 - How did I lose points? You want me to point to a verse for you? *makes really big...

Newsquestion - 31 Aug 2008 / shopgirl - 12 Sep 2008
Demographic twilight of Poland and Europe
Poland ends conscription.
Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland?  2
Anti-missiles in Poland only 5km from the city
Sending money to Poland  2
Has there ever been gold found in Poland?
21 - Z -- You are truly the library of knowledge. Amazing information....

Newsoutintheyard - 22 Jul 2008 / outintheyard - 8 Sep 2008
Radoslaw Sikorski (Polish minister of foreign affairs)- what is the deal?
Claims for compensation deadline Dec. 2008 Kresy property.
15 - dream on ......

Newscelinski - 21 Dec 2007 / ski - 7 Sep 2008
Polish intelligence sources have for the first time confirmed that the US
British... do they have clubs or organisations in Poland?
13 - how about the NAPP...

NewsGrzegorz_ - 5 Sep 2008 / outintheyard - 5 Sep 2008
Satellite Pics in Poland
Blood libel fresco in Polish cathedral?  2
Engineers build train tunnel in Warsaw too small for trains...
18 - That's what happens when trains are built too big ;)...

Newsbenszymanski - 14 Aug 2008 / z_darius - 2 Sep 2008
Tornado hits Poland  2
Where did the respect for Polish president go?
What if Russia decide to liberate Scottland from England? Polish position  2  3  4  5  6
lets say nice things about poland  2
44 killed, 650 injured in Poland in road accidents during the weekend  2
32 - if it feels good do it live it-" the living are the dead on holiday"...

NewsGrzegorz_ - 17 Aug 2008 / angel - 25 Aug 2008
Funny German way of thinking ... "Stupid Poles" destroying EU?  2
Third World War and the role of Poland  2  3
Why is Zloty called PLN?

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