Hey all,
I am an Australian currently living in Poland, I am hoping to return home by the end of the year.
My Polish boyfriend would like to come with me, and he is a holder of Polish and German Passport. My questions are, would he be able to apply for a Working Holiday Visa in Poland with his German Passport and also how long does it take to view the application and get a decision? I've been reading on some sites but they are not very clear in the answer...
And could anyone shed some light on this Health Requirement? My boyfriend had problems with his eyes and I'm worried that might go against him...
Any feedback would be much appreciated thanks
I am quite aware that this as nothing to do with te polish Government..
I have checked the website, but sometimes it hasnt been so clear, he is a holder of both polosh and german passports, but i know that on a polish passprt he cannot apply for a working holiday visa like with his german...I just wanted to know he could apply with his german passport at the australian embassy in Poland
HI there,
I was looking for some informations for myslef, that is how I was redirected to this website. Anyway, I think I've found an answer for your query:
(I cannot type www down below- the anty spaming policy of this web so just type yourself)
I'm sure you figured this out by now anyway.
Good luck!