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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 536
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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28 Oct 2009
Travel / What To Do In Gliwice Poland [37]

Harass the locals, that should be entertaining :)

Yeah, and there's a jogging activity included.
28 Oct 2009
News / Man Why Do People Like PO Instead Of PIS [120]


On the internet typing in capitals is recieved as shouting, so could you stop using it please?

Inheriting political views without the underlaying knowledge is same in every family...

PIS is loosing because it had damaged the international image of Poland by causing various scandals. Looking at the latest events PiS was exactly the same old-boy network as PO is, and that's how politics work - lobbing. Friend will always help another friend and you won't runaway from it by changing factions. Beside it is full of people befuddled with hatred - all of their actions are based on trying to prove that PO is doing something wrong and has members with shady pasts, they don't have their own ideas they are just trying to gain more voters with swindling and bickering. Beside PiS is a socialist party and they social politics are flawed, the fact noticed by a huge number of people.
28 Oct 2009
Travel / 12 more days in poland what to do [17]

You mentioned going to Queens.. I don't think spamming with threads will get you anywhere, you already created one thread about being bored : p
28 Oct 2009
Travel / 12 more days in poland what to do [17]

There are people who can easily start talking to somebody, and there are those who can't. I don't think I'd be able to just chat some random stranger up in a foreign country.
29 Oct 2009
Travel / 12 more days in poland what to do [17]

They should be so lucky!! ;0)

You don't know Gwarek, it's the place where all the pumped up polish chavs come after dropping a tab or sniffing coke and dance to techno music along with 14yo jailbaits.. scary place.

anyways, I envy you extravertic people ; p
29 Oct 2009
Life / Good Polish Music: disco polo, rock, and club music [33]

I'd suggest skimming through last.fm, you can listen to a short part of every song there, you can try listening to polish radios.. there was already one thread about that ( use search function ) there isalso a few threads about polish music, and you can look every band up on youtube..
29 Oct 2009
Life / BEING POLISH MEANS....? [18]

You are overexaggerating Polonius3, could you type in the threads name in lowercase letters for a change, according to the netiquette writing in capitals is considered as shouting...

First flaw is the whole "Haloween" thingie, I have to say that Poland is a country where this "holiday" is nearly nonexistant - it's all about going to cementaries and mourning. We haven't got americanised that much yet. Beside it's happening everywhere, british football teams are owned by Indian bussinessman. We are all using "made in china" products. That's how capitalism works. There would have been many foreign brands owned by Polish folk if we haven't had all the wars and communism raveging the land and canceling all our achievements.
29 Oct 2009
News / Man Why Do People Like PO Instead Of PIS [120]

I can't think of another time in history when the international image of Poland was dirtied so much as it was during the reign of PIS.
29 Oct 2009
News / Man Why Do People Like PO Instead Of PIS [120]

Yeah the only thing they did was creating the famous Macieriewicz's ( who by the way is a crazy believer with insanity sparkling in his eyes) list, the list was not created thoroughfully so it consisted of completely innocent people, it also included data of people who worked in foreign countries as Polish secret agents - due to that very fact it eroded polish credibility as a country. Rambling about communists nowadays should be left to driveling, foam spouting old man, mccarthyism at its finest.

Nearly every "nail to PO's coffin"ricocheted back into PiS. It happened all the time since the very beginning of their scandal mongering and it shows how flawed the party is.
29 Oct 2009
News / Man Why Do People Like PO Instead Of PIS [120]

Socialism like in Europe?

Free healthcare for everyone imaginary bollocks..
exploited "becikowe", all the yelling over privatizing hospitals..

and as I can see nobody touched the famous Macierewicz list.. PiS worshippers as always selective, answering only to those statements to which they can compose a lieing answer..
29 Oct 2009
News / Man Why Do People Like PO Instead Of PIS [120]

it just tells you don't live long enough to understand many things

Best answer if somebody can't work out a good counter reply, somehow I knew you gonna say that - despite of what Sokrates gonna type in his post.

Beside behind every person's preferences stands his or her parents - so usually these are preferences of grown up people, so don't bring that rubbish up in here..

It just means that you can't prove to anyone that you're right. Simple.
31 Oct 2009
Life / Eenie-meenie-miney-moe (Polish versions?) [8]

I know this one:

"Ene due rike fake, torbe borbe usme smake, deus deus komateus i morele baks"

and there's also this one:

"Entliczek Pentliczek czerwony stoliczek, na kogo wypadnie na tego bęc!"

First part is from Jan Brzechwa's poem.
2 Nov 2009
History / Polish symbolisms [12]

a Polish coat of arms with a donkey on it.

It's not a donkey, it's a goat... ( half goat being more precise ) : p
2 Nov 2009
History / Polish symbolisms [12]

Yup, you're right, smart knight threw out skins of killed goats and donkeys so that pagans who were laying siege against the fortress would though that defenders have big supplies of food.. he got this nice coat of arms in return ; )
2 Nov 2009
Life / Who has moved to Poland in the last year? Swap stories. [115]

Poles hate indians. Indians are dirty, they steal and they are like *******. They are not welcome here. I am a Pole.

Speak for yourself parochial git.


Generalising at its finest. Wasted a minute of my life reading your driveling..
2 Nov 2009
Love / Hard to talk things: Sexual diseases - would Polish women be honest about that? [137]

wow.. this thread is having a downward spiral..


Many women do not like condoms.

I think it's the complete opposite, women usually care more about possible outcome of procreation.. Something like that might be happning if you are involved with social circles of 15 y olds who are.. older girls are more responsible at least at this point..
3 Nov 2009
Love / Hard to talk things: Sexual diseases - would Polish women be honest about that? [137]

I remember from the news, about a guy who was working at the morgue and infected his newely wed wife with some kind of disease that you can only contrct from a corpse ( that's what the doctor told her ) pretty disturbing stuff..

Herpes,gonorea and syphallis are absoluteley rife in poland!

complete bollocks.. I don't think the number of infections in Poland is different to the one in any western european country. From what I heard few times on the radio you guys in UK have the same problem with low quality of sexual education - 14 y old mothers and std's..
3 Nov 2009
Love / Hard to talk things: Sexual diseases - would Polish women be honest about that? [137]

do you not think prn is a sex sickness and 90% of people watch them

What's with the 90% everyone? Was it the number sponsoring todays Sesame street?
And no, I don't think prn is a sickness, being addicted to watching it is, but I see nothing wrong in watching prn beside that.

prove somethings.

I don't think it proves anything.. I really can't get your message nomaderol sorry. Finally, can you tell me what prn has to do with std's? Do you see it as an std? Because your certainly did call it a sickness..
3 Nov 2009
Language / "Polski" or "Polskiego" - Grammar help [19]

But in most forums they don't include the word section.

Yeah, probably. But he asked for section and including "Polskiego" made me think that maybe he intends to use it in this manner.
3 Nov 2009
Love / Hard to talk things: Sexual diseases - would Polish women be honest about that? [137]

it's not strange that a few do sex (ok for money), but, billions of people pay and watch them even though they dont live the pleasure? this too is a mental sickness and mental sickness transfers and spreads faster than all other sickness like std, yeast, etc.

Sorry mate but the only sickness I get is the one from reading your drivelling..
3 Nov 2009
Language / "Polski" or "Polskiego" - Grammar help [19]

you can't just use it on it's own it depends on the whole structure - cases:

sekcja języka polskiego ( genetive case ) - polish language section
język polski (nominative case) - polish language

This section of the forum is in the Polish Language. - This word would be in a different case too.
Ta sekcja forum jest w języku polskim. (instrumental case)
3 Nov 2009
Language / "Polski" or "Polskiego" - Grammar help [19]

it depends in what context...

Polski forum.. don't wanna disencourage you but if we're talking about "polski forum" you need to add gender declension, so in the stand alone way:

forum - neuter gender polskie forum
język - male gender polski język

You'll see "polskiego" only in more complicated sentences with case declension, like the mentioned:

"Sekcja języka polskiego". -
Polish language section.
3 Nov 2009
News / Man Why Do People Like PO Instead Of PIS [120]

- blocking any serious KRUS reform -> both
- blocking any taxation for farmers -> both

I don't think they are actually blocking anything, there's no party that would dare to touch farmers right now. The other side would quickly retaliate with accusations to build the electorate. Just recall the fuss around teachers and miners when somebody was trying to do anything about these early retirements. We've got "pomostówki" now... The society is getting older, we need a strong party that's gonna reform the whole retirement sector without looking at the angry mob...