Viktorea 2 | 7 26 Aug 2008 / #1Wlasna Własna Wlasny WłasnyBefore I can even begin to do much research on this family, I would like to find out if this is a regular family name in Poland or if it is an abbreviated version of another name or is a reference to another name entirely.Is this a very rare name in Poland? I can't seem to find much information on the name at all.Btw.Cegla CegłaI am looking for people of this family name from the Poznan area, specifically around Pogrzybow, Raszków.Paul/Pawel Cegla born at 1860 in a place possibly roughly spelled Irjiazewo. His father's name might be Gregor.Paul married in 1887 to Rosalia Wlasna born 1866 in or near Pogrzybow. Rosalia's father's name might be Kristofer Wlasny.Paul and Rosalia Cegla had one child born in Poland: Stanislaus born 1888. Other children were born in Pine County, Minnesota, USA, after they emigrated in about 1890.I hoping to connect with members of this family.
OP Viktorea 2 | 7 26 Aug 2008 / #3Yes, it is.I know that it does not seem like a real name, but that is the name that five sisters used as their maiden name when they emigrated to the USA in the early 1900s.I am curious about the name, and also what the word would mean.
Polonius3 980 | 12276 26 Aug 2008 / #4Własny is a rare surname used by only 24 people in Poland today. The primary cluster is in western Poland's Wielkopolska region in the Konin (10) and Poznań (7) areas with 5 more in the neighboring £ódź region to the east of it and 2 in or around the Baltic port of Gdańsk.
OP Viktorea 2 | 7 26 Aug 2008 / #5Thank you very much for this information. I know that the Wlasna/Wlasny family that I am seeking information on probably came from the Poznań area. Now I know why I have been struggling to find out more about this name!Am I correct in assuming that Wlasna and Wlasny would be used interchangeably, depending upon whether in a masculine or feminine form or would these be two entirely different names?